
All about electronics and circuit design

IE6 No More!

The topic of site support for IE6 has had a lot of discussion on the web recently. Enough is enough. IE6 is an ancient browser released in late 2001. Why would anyone run an eight-year old browser? Should sites continue to support it? What more can anyone do to get IE6 users to upgrade? IE6

Your TV could be watching you

Twice a year, tech companies descend on CableLabs’ Innovation Showcase to demo their wares for a group of cable operators. PrimeSense’s 3D sensing chip won the ops’ vote in an informal poll for best new product idea. This product lets digital devices see a 3-D view of the world. The device includes a sensor, which

Rear Projection Urinal

This is almost a practical joke. This is potentially the best and wrongest multimedia device ever invented. Horse Bazaar is a pub in Melbourne Australia that has a urinal with a rear projector. This technology boasts that it makes possible that you don’t miss a single second of a game when you have to pee.

Live 2011 Grand Prix

Turku (a city in Finland) will be the European Capital of Culture for year 2011. For this reason Turku has initiated the world’s largest media art and new media competition Live2011 Grand Prix. They were making co-operation with the Assembly Summer 2009 festival where I saw their booth. A digital capital of culture, Live2011.com will

Control Systems for Live Entertainment, 3rd Edition

John Huntington’s Control Systems for Live Entertainment, 3rd Edition book offers an in-depth examination of control for lighting, lasers, sound, stage machinery, animatronics, special effects, and pyrotechnics for concerts, theme parks, theatre, themed-retail, cruise ships, museums, special and other events. This is an excellent reference concerning what’s going on in audio control as well as

Madonna show in Helsinki

Yesterday Madonna Sticky & Sweet tour had a big concert in Helsinki. It was the biggest ever show held on Northern European countries and biggest on the whole Madonna tour. There was 85 000 people watching it. The show was two-hour multimedia blockbuster. It was a fantastic show to see. The choreography, visuals and live

Scene Quiz Show lights

Assembly TV broadcasts TV program from Assembly computer festival starting Thursday 6. August 2009 in many channels (Internet, cable TV, DVB-H mobile television, 3G mobile video etc.). The broadcast has for many years contained Scene Quiz Show (the name has varied somewhat over years). It involves three contestants answering questions related to the event, demoscene

Futuristic computer interfaces

The Inquisitr article 5 futuristic interfaces describes some interesting futuristic ideas how to interact with computer. This article describes five futuristic type interfaces that will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2009. the same interfaces. The same five interfaces are also covered in Technology Review article Five Futuristic Interfaces on Display at SIGGRAPH. The first article had

Assembly Summer 2009 Festival

Assembly Summer 2009 is Finland’s largest computer festival. It takes place in Helsinki 6th to 9th of August 2009. ASSEMBLY is a four day computer festival, in which thousands of people and their computers spend the long weekend by meeting friends, playing games, surfing on the net, talking on IRC and enjoying the great productions