Search Results for "HTML5"

74 results found.

Websocket getting ready for use

Websocket is a promising technology for more advanced web applications. Websocket allows to make a continuous two-way connection between the application software running on web browser the software running on server. WebSocket represents the next evolutionary step in web communication compared to Comet and Ajax. The WebSocket standard (when it gets ready and widely supported)

From Meego to Tizen

Meego will will be merged out of existence. MeeGo will become Tizen. Tizen is a software platform and a mobile and device operating system based on Linux and other popular upstream projects. According to Intel, Tizen will build upon the strengths of both LiMo and MeeGo and Intel will work with MeeGo partners to help

Webkit-based UI for TV devices

Netflix’s Webkit-based UI for TV devices article says that Netflix uses WebKit, JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3 to build user interfaces that are delivered to millions of game consoles, Blu-ray players, Internet-connected TVs, and devices. Matt McCarthy and Kim Trott, device UI engineering managers at Netflix, have just published 50 presentation slides from their recent talk


Have you ever designed an electronic schematic then wanted to share it on your blog? Or wanted help improving your circuit on a forum? Ever peered at a tiny/massive image of a circuit on a website and wondered why on earth there wasn’t a better alternative? I have done that quite often. CircuitBee is a

The Flame Party Helsinki

The Flame Party Helsinki promises to be a day of HOT Open Web (aka HTML5) demo hacking, outdoor BBQ etc… 18th of June 2011. This event if for HTML5 and Open Web geeks, DemoSceners and Internet artists. The Flame Party is organized by the Alternative Party Crew, Mozilla Labs and DOT (the Digital Media Club

Nokia future: Windows Phones :-(

Nokia will adopt Windows Mobile as its main smartphone platform in a wide-ranging agreement with Microsoft. Today two companies announced plans for a broad strategic partnership that combines the respective strengths of our companies and builds a new global mobile ecosystem. Nokia will adopt Windows Phone as its primary smartphone strategy, innovating on top of

Canvas Pad

The <canvas> element is a part of the HTML5 Standards specification and allows for dynamic scriptable rendering of 2D graphics. Canvas Pad demo allows you to play with the Canvas element! Update the provided example source code in your browser and press the ‘Ctrl+Enter’ key to update the Canvas real-time! The demo page is made

New positioning technology

GloPos Confirms Indoor Positioning Accuracy of 7.7 to 12.5 Meters in Independent Tests press release tells about a new positioning technology. GloPos, the developer of a software-only positioning technology that makes all mobile phones location aware,  has confirmed an indoor positioning accuracy of 7.7 to 12.5 meters in an independent test of its software conducted

Mobile Web applications with HTML 5

IBM has published a pretty interesting Creating mobile Web applications with HTML 5 article series that tells how to use HTML5 to make mobile applications. HTML 5 is a very hyped technology, but with good reason. As promising as it is for traditional browsers, it has even more potential for mobile browsers. Even better, the

WebM video hits web

A key factor in the web’s success is that its core technologies such as HTML, HTTP, TCP/IP, etc. are open and freely implementable. Though video is also now core to the web experience, there is unfortunately no open and free video format that is on par with the leading commercial choices. VP8, a high-quality video