Search Results for "data center"

169 results found.

Microsoft has developed its own Linux!

It seems that Satya Nadella’s Microsoft is a very different animal than earlier Microsoft, unafraid to use any technology if it gets the job done: Article Microsoft has developed its own Linux. Repeat. Microsoft has developed its own Linux reports that  Microsoft has developed its own Linux distribution to do Azure networking. Official Microsoft web

RISC vs CISC still relevant?

There has been long time discussion on if RISC or CISC processor architecture is more efficient. CISC (Complex instruction set computing) was the most popular architecture before RISC became popular. According to Wikipedia before the RISC philosophy became prominent, many computer architects tried to bridge the so-called semantic gap, i.e. to design instruction sets that

Venom Security Vulnerability

There has been some silent times on serious big vulnerabilities (I don’t contain the usual Java, Flash and Windows things that come and go al the time). Not it seems that another branded open source security bomb has droppied: ‘Venom’ Security Vulnerability Threatens Most Datacenters. So this new vulnerability has a brand name VENOM (Virtualized

Telecom trends for 2015

In few years there’ll be close to 4bn smartphones on earth. Ericsson’s annual mobility report forecasts increasing mobile subscriptions and connections through 2020.(9.5B Smartphone Subs by 2020 and eight-fold traffic increase). Ericsson’s annual mobility report expects that by 2020 90% of the world’s population over six years old will have a phone.  It really talks about the

Computer trends for 2015

Here are comes my long list of computer technology trends for 2015: Digitalisation is coming to change all business sectors and through our daily work even more than before. Digitalisation also changes the IT sector: Traditional software package are moving rapidly into the cloud.  Need to own or rent own IT infrastructure is dramatically reduced.

My IoT model

Here is my Internet of Thing communications model:   This model tries to cover at least the most IoT situations. The idea in this model is to describe the IoT communications at suitably accurate level to cover normal situations. A real-life implementation can have all those part or it can have more than one step