Search Results for "Arduino"

295 results found.

The Arduino or Raspberry, when to use which and the Ultimate Combination

Arduino had become probably the most used makers board for electronic and robotic projects and raspberry is one of the best choices when it comes to credit card sized computers. But what one use in his project? Well, it depends. Posted from WordPress for Android

Arduino/Genuino 101 with Intel Curie

There has been already several x86 based Arduino compatible boards, but there is always place for another one. News sources tells that Intel and Arduino Introduce Curie-Based Educational Board. Intel and Arduino are releasing their first product pushed directly on the education market, the Arduino/Genuino 101 board powered by the Intel Curie module: The Arduino/Genuino

HamShield Arduino Radio

Almost anybody can grab a USB TV tuner card and start monitoring the airwaves. To be able to do radio transmissions legally you’ll need your amateur radio license and suitable equipment. There is wide variety of equipment you can buy and build. On new interesting new radio kit is HamShield I saw mentoned at HamShield

Arduino robot ideas

Here are some ideas for Arduiono based DIY robots building:   HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor – object avoiding Arduino robot. – ClusterBot     4WD Arduino Sonar and IR Robot Test Run   Arduino Robot Tank – Stage 1 – NAV System