Search Results for "HTML5"

74 results found.

Is H.264 a legal minefield?

H.264 use isn’t all free all the time. MPEG-LA is the industry group that licenses the H.264 patent portfolio to the likes of software companies, optical-disc duplicators, Blu-ray player makers, and others who have need to use H.264. MPEG LA licenses a portfolio of more than 1,000 H.264-related patents on behalf of 26 companies that

Web technologies for mobile applications

I visited yeasterday Mobile Dev Camp. Mobile Dev Camp is a one day event devoted to developing mobile applications on the latest mobile platforms such as iPhone, Android, Maemo. It is held in Helsinki Finland. The end result waht I got from the presentations I followed that web techniologies are coming more and more into

Sensible web site design

The original idea of http/html was to make it easier to share information between academics, especially report. The idea on the web was that the information is presented in the way that it can be viewed in many ways and using many different devices. On the old days there were both text based and graphical


The new HTML 5 standard is gaining significant traction even though HTML 5 is still in the draft process and has not yet been ratified by W3C. Browser makers are already implementing key features of HTML 5 and bringing robust support for some of its most advanced capabilities to end users. HTML 5 has many