All about electronics and circuit design
In a stunning rejection of the will five million online petitioners, and over 100,000 protestors this weekend, the European Parliament has abandoned common-sense and the advice of academics, technologists, and UN human rights experts, and approved the Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive in its entirety. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/03/eus-parliament-signs-disastrous-internet-law-what-happens-next https://thenextweb.com/eu/2019/03/26/european-parliament-votes-yes-on-controversial-copyright-reform/ →
https://wordpress.org/news/2019/03/one-third-of-the-web/ WordPress now powers over 1/3rd of the top 10 million sites on the web according to W3Techs. Our market share has been growing steadily over the last few year. Over the years WordPress has become the CMS of choice for more and more people and companies. What’s New in WordPress 5.1 (Moving PHP Forward) →
https://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/tech-careers/scott-shawcroft-is-squeezing-python-into-microcontrollers Python is one of the most popular programming languages that has good domination of the desktop and the cloud. Two camps—MicroPython and CircuitPython—are working on hardware-centered versions of the interpreted language for embedded projects such as microcontroller-based gadgets. CircuitPython’s development is spearheaded by Scott Shawcroft, of the open-source hardware company Adafruit Industries. Shawcroft started →
https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/worlds-happiest-countries-united-nations-2019/index.html Finland has a lot to celebrate. It is the happiest country in the world for the second year in a row, according to the latest World Happiness Report. It also has a capital city bursting with gastronomic creativity, the spectacular Northern Lights and Santa Claus’s year-round home in Lapland. →
https://truththeory.com/2018/11/22/ai-generates-hilarious-inspirational-quotes/ Inspirobot creates inspirational posters, quotes that are mood-uplifters, in calming fonts in front of aesthetically pleasing backgrounds. What happened was that the AI found the most primal dread of life in its own plastic psyche. →
Java Forever And Ever Movie (Java vs Windows .Net) Life without Java ! JavaZone 2012: The Java Heist JavaZone 2014: Game of Codes →
PuTTY is one of most used open-source client-side programs to remotely access computers over secure SSH network protocol from Windows workstations. I use it very often to connect to embedded Linux devices and Linux servers. Based on latest news it might be now a very good idea to update it to latest version 0.71: PuTTY →
Most people know circuit breakers and fuses. Quite many also know ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) or Residual Current Device (RCD). But now a new protective device is coming to use in Europe and you might want to learn about it. AFDD/AFCI Arc Fault Protection Device protects people and property against fires caused by arc →
https://blog.hackster.io/new-tech-secures-medical-devices-by-using-your-body-as-a-conduit-for-communication-8ca7b8128f67 The article says: “Virtually all wearable devices today communicate wirelessly through either Bluetooth, WiFi, or simple RF (Radio Frequency) signals. While we could try to make those more secure, there is always the possibility that they could be intercepted or spoofed. This new technology avoids the problem altogether by allowing devices to communicate across →
http://www.monkeyuser.com/2017/seeking-answer/ →