The modern programmer: Top 10 articles from this year | From SDKs to command-line utilities and more, this list offers plenty of insight for today’s programmers. → From SDKs to command-line utilities and more, this list offers plenty of insight for today’s programmers. →
Scanimate is the name for an analog computer animation (video synthesizer) system developed from the late 1960s to the 1980s by Computer Image Corporation of Denver, Colorado. It is a form of analogue video synthesizer. The 8 Scanimate systems were used to produce much of the video-based animation seen on television between most of the → 2019 will be the year that multi-cloud strategies grow up according to this article. I can pretty much agree on also the other trends listed on this article. →
Get High with The Newly Released Linux Kernel 4.20 – It’s FOSS article at tells that Linus Torvalds played Santa and released Kernel 4.20 just before Christmas. Torvalds sees no point in delaying the 4.20 release because everybody is already taking a break. If you are a regular/average Linux user, you should not try → This is intresting finding that Researchers have demonstrated that an amoeba (a single-celled organism) has unique computing abilities. The researchers found that an amoeba can find reasonable (nearly optimal) solutions to the TSP in an amount of time that grows only linearly as the number of cities increases. Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is an →
Here is tear-down of PT 2X2-24DC-ST over voltage protector for 24V systems: PT protective connector with protective circuit for two 2-wire floating signal circuits. 24 V DC nominal voltage. HART-compatible. What is insideComponents close-upWhat was found was two dual gas discharge tubes ant two other over voltage protectors. The gas discharge tubes were connected to → The truth about climate change is nuanced: it is real, and in the long term it will be a problem, but its impact is less than we might believe. And yet we are too eager to believe the problem is far worse than science shows. Climate change seems to freeze our capacity for critical → →
A decade box is a type of test equipment that can be used to substitute the interchanging of different values of certain passive components when you need adjustable value in electronics laboratory. Decade boxes are made for resistance, capacitance, and inductance. Decade boxes are typically quite expensive devices (compared to other cheap electronics parts). I → According to this story this Cartoonist Got Rejected By The New Yorker, So He Decided To Post Rejected Works For Everyone To Judge. I found some of the works quite funny. →