Electronics component information search at www.epanorama.net

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Information on 8051

General information on component code

Component data

  • Search Datasheet Archive with keyword 8051
  • Search the whole web using Google search engine with keyword 8051
  • Search AltaVista with component code 8051
  • Search NJ7P Tube Database with component code 8051
  • Check SMD Codes page
  • The SMD Codebook
  • Chip directory

    Pinout information

    8051, 8052, 8054, 8058, 8751, 8752, 8754, 8758, 8031, 8032 (DIP)
    Intel 8051-series microcontroller.
               +-----+  +-----+
       T2 P1.0 |1    +--+   40| VCC
     T2EX P1.1 |2           39| P0.0 AD0
      ECI P1.2 |3           38| P0.1 AD1
     CEX0 P1.3 |4           37| P0.2 AD2
     CEX1 P1.4 |5           36| P0.3 AD3
     CEX2 P1.5 |6           35| P0.4 AD4
     CEX3 P1.6 |7           34| P0.5 AD5
     CEX4 P1.7 |8           33| P0.6 AD6
           RST |9           32| P0.7 AD7
      RxD P3.0 |10   8051   31| /EA VPP
      TxD P3.1 |11  series  30| ALE /PROG
    /INT0 P3.2 |12          29| /PSEN
    /INT1 P3.3 |13          28| P2.7 A15
       T0 P3.4 |14          27| P2.6 A14
       T1 P3.5 |15          26| P2.5 A13
      /WR P3.6 |16          25| P2.4 A12
      /RD P3.7 |17          24| P2.3 A11
            X0 |18          23| P2.2 A10
            X1 |19          22| P2.1 A9
           GND |20          21| P2.0 A8
    8051, 8052, 8054, 8058, 8751, 8752, 8754, 8758, 8031, 8032 (PLCC)
    Intel 8051-series microcontroller.
    The 8x54 and 8x58 have an extra GND pin.
    +---------------+               +---------------+---------------+
    |  7 P1.5 CEX2  | 18 P3.6 /WR   | 29 P2.5 A13   | 40 P0.3 AD3   |
    |  8 P1.6 CEX3  | 19 P3.7 /RD   | 30 P2.6 A14   | 41 P0.2 AD2   |
    |  9 P1.7 CEX4  | 20 X0         | 31 P2.7 A15   | 42 P0.1 AD1   |
    | 10 RST        | 21 X1         | 32 /PSEN      | 43 P0.0 AD0   |
    | 11 P3.0 RxD   | 22 GND        | 33 ALE /PROG  | 44 VCC        |
    | 12            | 23            | 34            |  1 (GND)      |
    | 13 P3.1 TxD   | 24 P2.0 A8    | 35 /EA VPP    |  2 P1.0 T2    |
    | 14 P3.2 /INT0 | 25 P2.1 A9    | 36 P0.7 AD7   |  3 P1.1 T2EX  |
    | 15 P3.3 /INT1 | 26 P2.2 A10   | 37 P0.6 AD6   |  4 P1.2 ECI   |
    | 16 P3.4 T0    | 27 P2.3 A11   | 38 P0.5 AD5   |  5 P1.3 CEX0  |
    | 17 P3.5 T1    | 28 P2.4 A12   | 39 P0.4 AD4   |  6 P1.4 CEX1  |
    This pinout is from GIICM

  • Search images using Google image search with keyword 8051
  • Check SMD Codes page
  • Chip Directory Pinouts

    Cross reference data

  • Search transistor replacements for 8051 from Transistor Cross Reference Database
  • Search 8051 from Sharp Microlectronics USA (good optocoupler cross reference to Sharp parts)
  • Check SMD Codes page
  • NTE Electronics Cross Reference Search (find replacements for over 470,000 industry devices including semiconductors, relays, potentiometers/trimmers, switches, etc.)

    Availability from suppliers

  • Search FindChips.com for availability of component with code 8051

    NOTE: The information contained in this search is based on data considered accurate. No warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of this data. Liability is expressly disclaimed for any any loss or injury arising out of this information or use of any materials designated.

    Currently this search engine can give you information on discrete semiconductors like transistors, FETs, diodes, thyristors etc. The component information data database knows over 6000 most common transistors, diodes, logic ICs and many other components. General description is available from very much larger number of components. Cross reference database has cross-reference information on more than 7000 transistors and ICs. There is also pinout for very many ICs and transistors. There is also data and cross reference for very many battery types. There is also data on different AWG size wires.

    The Cross Reference tries to provide a listing of closest replacement devices. The replacement may or may not be an exact replacement, so the user should consult both data sheets to confirm performance. We recommend that you completely review datasheet to confirm the device functionality for your application.

    The information in this service has been checked and is believed to be accurate. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Should you find an inaccuracy, or have additional product data to add that you feel would improve this tool, please forward the information to [email protected].

    Please note that ELH Communications Ltd. does not sell electronics components. Please do not query on price or availability.

    Search tips:
    • Write the code without spaces (for example 12AWG for wire size, BC547 for transistor)
    • If you can't find data with full code on the component case, try leaving out the end letters that specify the case type etc.
    • For many generic IC families like 7400 or 4000 series ICs, write only the IC code without the manufacturer identification letters in the beginning of the code.
    • For most 7400 series ICs if you cannot get data with full code, try the generic type like 7414. Almost all 74 series IC types use the same pinout as the basic version without any letters in the type coce (but not all).
    • For data on 4000 series CMOS IC pinouts use the generic code like 4001 (leave out the letters form the beginning and end of the code)
    • The search engine can also tell what markings like 2R2, 1u1, 3p3 etc. seen sometimes in circuit diagrams mean
    • All wire ratings are for wires made od normal copper. You can get wire data with keyboards like 12AWG and 1.5mm2, most common wire USA and European sizes are supported.

    More search actions you can try