
Usenet newsgroups talking about electronics

    General information on newsgroups

    The newsgroups above are international newsgroups and discussion on themis done using english language (both American and British english are OK).Because the news are international, the articles posted to them willbe distributed to thousands of servers around the world. Some of thoseservers will archive the articles for long time. For exampleDejanews archives articles fromnewsgroups to their searchable database for long time.

      How to avoid your message to be archived

      If you for some reason don't want your article to be archived in this kindof services, you have to indicate this in your posting by addinga following line to your message header:

      x-no-archive: yes

      What to tell and what not to tell on newsgroups

      Because the newsgroups are international and there are any readersto the articles. Some of the article readers are not interrested inthe article itself, but for other information it reveals of you.So it might be a good idea to think what information of yourselfto put to the article signature. Be also warned that the spammersare constantly scanning newsgroups for new e-mail addresses, soit might be a good idea to put some nospan e-mail address tothe message when posting to international newsgroups.

      How to forward replies to other newsgroups

      If you for some reason post an article to one newsgroup, but feel thatreplies to your articles hould be sent to another newsgroup(they belong better there) you can add the following line toyour message header:

      Followup-To: newsgroupname
      This will cause the follow-ups sent to yout articles to be postedto the newsgroup specified in this line. Note that the newsgroupname you give here must be a real existing newsgroup.

    Some guidelines to posting to newsgroups

    There are some things to remember when reading and posting to Usenetnewsgroups. Following the generla guidelines keeps everybody happier:

    • Do not post questions before you have read the FAQ list of the newsgroup (if such exist)
    • Send your article as pure ASCII text (Turn off all HTML)
    • Do not quote more than few lines when replying to articles
    • Do not send stupid articles without any valuable information
    • Be prepared to follow the discussion in newsgroup after your question, please not request the answers through e-mail
    • Please do not send your question to more than one newsgroup at one time
    • Use a subject which describes what your article is about
    • If you quote the original article on your reply, remove as much of the quoted text as you possibly can to make the original article basics understood. A general guideline is that you should not quote more of the original text than what you have written yourself.
    • Your own signature line should be no more than four lines in height.
    • Look at your post after you write it and make sure that it says what you want it to say.
    • If you want someone to answer you, be sure to use a real e-mail address
    • If you want someone to visit your Web page, please include its URL accurately. If you write URLs it is prefered to have the http:// prefix in the address so that readers with web browser as their news reading tool can simply click it as a link.
    • If you plan to tell about some web page on the Usenet, then write a good description of it before posting. If the whole writeup is "check out this link," it's definitely annoys the readers of the newsgroups and does not give any expected results in getting new users for the web pages.
    • Make sure your editor is set so that its column width is less than 80 characters. Otherwise, your text may wrap around in unpredictable ways and the post won't be readable by many of us.
    Remeber that most newsgroups are worldwide in coverage.That means that criticizing someone's English, making nationalisticremarks, personal insults, and criticizing another poster's intelligenceare invitations to pointless flame wars.Remeber that if you write a good article, it isgoing to be understood by most of the people who read it, but be preparedthat there are almost always some people who do not understand yourarticle completely right.If you're asking for advice, please give some indication of where youlive. Telephone and electrical systems are not the same all over theworld. If you are looking for a place to buy something, then itis a good idea to tell in what country you live in so that you don't gethalf dozen recommendations where to biy the thing from otherside of the world.Take a note that computer equipment that will be used to read these messages isanything but uniform. Any extensions that your computer has to supportvarious character sets will not always be reliably transmitted ordisplayed at the other end. So avoid fancy superscript characters,degrees temperature, greek letters, and line drawing characters like theIBM PC extended character set. If you try to make ASCII drawingsto your text, please meake sure that they are made so that tyehy displaycorrectly on other people also (draw them using fixed witdth fontsand using space characters instead of tabulator).You should also consider where a poster is when they request the closestsource for some product or information. Not everybody has a Radio Shackin the nearest shopping mall. A common problem is that the toll free800 numbers common in North America are not easily or cheaply accessiblefrom the rest of the world. Look closely at the orginators domain addressto see if they can affordably contact your recommended source. Keep in mind that various systems and standards are different aroundthe world. Household power voltages and frequencies are different,and the techniques and regulations to deal with wiring are differentenough to cause safety problems if you try to use the wrong one.Video systems (orginally tied to the power line frequency) are alsowidely different around the world. Different scan rates and encodingsystems make things incompatible.Not only are the systems different, so is the jargon used to describethem. And what waswritten as 4.7 k ohms, might by (from the requirements of the schematicdrafting standards) be given as 4k7 ohms.

<[email protected]>

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