Robotics information page
- How Animatronics Works Rate this link
- Robot Building Lessons Rate this link
- - Robot builder's forum Rate this link
- Robot Contests and Competitions FAQ - This listing contains brief summaries of known robot competitions around the world with pointers to additional information when available. Rate this link
- Robotics Frequently Asked Questions List - This is the Frequently Asked Questions,FAQ, list for the internet robotics newsgroups comp,robotics,misc and comp,robotics,research. This list provides a resource of answers to commonly (and some uncommonly) asked questions regarding robotic systems, organizations, periodicals, and pointers to numerous other resources on the net. Rate this link
- - quality links, books, projects, resources Rate this link
- - The place for robot maniacs of all ages. We have toys, kits, tools, videos, image galleries, news, forums, links and much more. Rate this link
- LEGO?? MINDSTORMS(tm) Internals Rate this link
- Robohoo - links to Companies, Competitions, Organizations, Books, FAQs, Software, Hardware, News, Research Labs, Tutorials, and almost anything related to Robotics Rate this link
- - news, tutorials, forums and links Rate this link
- - European Robotics Industry resource Rate this link
- Robot Information Central Rate this link
- Robotics Resources Rate this link
- - Robot news and robotics info Rate this link
- USC Robotics On-Line Publications - lots of robotics related papers Rate this link
- The Robot Menu - designed to allow robot builders a place to display their creations Rate this link
- Triangle Amateur Robotics - robotics club Rate this link
- Links to learning resources for metalworking Rate this link
- Mobile Robot Arm Project Pictures - mobile robot arm project pictures with basic stamp as brain and servos as motion devices Hacking servo hs-805 Rate this link
- Mobile robot Based on PIC16C84 and Posit 1.0 - This page contains the robot software, circuits and a very short description. Rate this link
- Robot Materials Rate this link
- The Hobby Robotocs Page - Tips and info on robotizing RC cars. Rate this link
- ROBOTICAr 2003 - website for the reference of students who are interested in the field of robotics as well as embedded systems Rate this link
- Home Build Hobby Plotter / Engraver - Plotter / Engraver, Qbasic / Quickbasic Controlled, could be also a vinyl-cutter or printed circuit board driller, minimum software and hardware Rate this link
- BEAM Robotics - uses minimalist electronics to create eligant mechanical creatures that parallel their natural counterparts Rate this link
- Boris - a giant, hexapedal, pneumatic robot; inspired by the hobby of Robotic Combat Rate this link
- CURI-3 - a fully autonomous robot developed over a 6 month period in 1994 for University of New South Wales Artificial Intelligence Lab Rate this link
- CURI-4 - controlled by a 486DX40 Rate this link
- Floppy the Robot - plans to build a robot from a 3 1/2" floppy drive Rate this link
- How to make your OWN Engraving machine or plotter - This is a site for all the people who want to learn about Engraving and/or How to make an Engraving Machine. Rate this link
- Microprocessor Controlled Autonomous Modular Walking Vehicle - report on robot project Rate this link
- Penguin CNC - Page on home-made CNC machine to work with Linux. Home-made CNC machine for making PCB's and small wood/aluminium/plastic parts for electronics. Rate this link
- Photovores - how to build an autonomous robot that is entirely powered by solar energy Rate this link
- Pitronics Robotics - circuit diagrams, assembly instructions, and the parts list for robotics relaterd circuits Rate this link
- Robot Builder's Resources Rate this link
- Robot Information Central - robot builder's resources by Rate this link
- Robix RCS-6 Robot Construction Set Rate this link
- SunEater III - This photovore is based on SunEater_II and uses 74HC logic to do all his "thinking." Rate this link
- SunEater IV - This photovore is a very small photovore circuit. Rate this link
- The Robotics Club of Yahoo - pages contains robotic projects information Rate this link
- The Yoda Project - talking Yoda head based on PIC16C84, RC servo and voice chip Rate this link
- Wizard.Org - robotic circuits: motor control, ultrasonic ranging, stepper motor control Rate this link
- Linear Measurement Using LVDTs Rate this link
- Analog Devices Accelerometer ICs Rate this link
- Interfacing Force Sensitive Resistor-strips Rate this link
- Stepper Motor as Encoder Rate this link
- Working with Accelerometers Rate this link
- A Homebrew Shaft Encoder - Build a shaft encoder using parts you can salvage from dead computer mice. Rate this link
- Digital Encoders - A digital optical encoder is a device that converts motion into a sequence of digital pulses. By counting a single bit or by decoding a set of bits, the pulses can be converted to relative or absolute position measurements. Encoders have both linear and rotary configurations, but the most common type is rotary. Rate this link
- CNC CAD CAM Package - Graphic oriented programming that produces G-codes. Install for DOS or Windows. This is a commercial program with free to download test version. Rate this link
- Computer-Numerical Control (CNC) G-codes - This is a short introduction to G-codes, the codes used to control CNC machines like mills, lathes, routers, EDM's, grinders, etc. Rate this link
- G-Codes for Machining Centres Rate this link
- G-Codes - Turning Rate this link
- Gerber RS-274X File Format Introduction Rate this link
- MultiCam CNC Language Summary - This command summary serves as a guide for both new and experienced EIA-274D (G Codes) users. This document is intended for users of MultiCam CNC controller interface. Rate this link
- MultiCam HPGL Language Summary - This document describes all supported HPGL programming commands along with extensions to support special Z-axis requirements. Rate this link
- STEP NC - The End Of G-Codes? - In the not-too-distant future, the only machine tool input you'll need is a Web page. Rate this link
- Wahoo's Guide To G & M-Codes (RS-274) - This guide is intended to show usage of the standard RS-274, or "Fanuc compatible" NC Codes in their standard usage. Rate this link
- What's all this about RS274X Anyway? - If you're a PCB designer you're probably hearing more and more about extended Gerber - RS274X. Rate this link
- K-Team - miniature robotics and erobotics parts Rate this link
- Lego MaindStorms Robotics Invention System - robotics creation platform based on lego bricks, motors and sensors Rate this link
- The Flying Crank Ghost - the world's cheapest animatronic Rate this link
A robot has a mechanical body and an electronic nerve system to drive it. For the robot to do something useful. you need to be able toprogram it with some kind of intelligence. This can vary from hardwired logical circuits implementing some early robots to low-level reflex code on microcontrollers used in many small robotics projects. Incomplicated robotics systems, the control system can go up to advanced neural network control systems running on powerful microcomputers networked together. Included in the mechanical aspects of robot building would be metal working, mechanical engineering, and electrical motors. Electronic systems fall into three categories: power drivers, discrete electronics and a microcontroller. To be able to build your own robots, you need to understand something on all of those fields.Robotics isn't an easy hobby - it does require some skills. Besides the obvious - mechanics, programming, and electronics, there are the less obvious skills of dilligence and genuine curiosity.
Robotics net resources
Robot galleries
Robotics organizations
Information related to robot building
Robot building and project pages
Computer-Numerical Control (CNC)
Although there are standards for CNC controls most machine manufacturers have their own ways of doing things. A "CNC Program" is made up of one or more "BLOCKS". The most commonly used CNC programming language is EIA-274D, which is also know with name G-Codes. This language was originally designed to be read from paper tapes. Printed circuit board manufacturing industry uses Gerber (EIS-274X) to control their photoplotters. Gerber data is a simple, generic means of transferring printed circuit board information to a wide variety of devices that convert the electronic PCB data to artwork produced by a photoplotter. Virtually every PCB CAD system generates Gerber data because all photoplotters read it. Gerber Format, which is the format in which Gerber data is expressed, actually is a family of data formats that are subsets of EIA Standard RS-274D. Extended Gerber Format, which is also called RS-274X, provides enhancements that handle polygon fill codes, positive/negative image compositing, and custom apertures, and other features. RS-274X is a superset of the EIA Standard RS-274D format. RS-274X supports some of the parameter data codes (G codes) and aperture codes (D codes) contained in RS-274D, as well as codes referred to as mass parameters.In some application HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language) is used (some controllers support). HPGL was originally designed to to control a plotter (XY control, pen up/down, pen change).
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