Newsgroups: sci.electronics.misc
Subject: Re: EGA Monitors??
"Branko Badrljica" writes:
> Most EGAs have CGA compatibility mode, which is close enough to TV.
> I have used EGA monitors for computer as old as Sinclair's QL, Atari ST and
> Amiga.
> They work and I believe they would also work very nicely on the VCR.
> Don't worry about the lines stuff etc. What is important is horizontal and
> vertical scan rate.
> EGA's support at least two of each (vertically 50 Hz for CGA and 60 Hz for
> EGA and horizontally cca 15kHz for CGA and 30ish kHz for EGA). Anything that
> is close enough should be viewable, but it is likely that one would have to
> play with a few internal trimmers to stabilize the picture...
30ish kHz for EGA is not entirely correct. 22 kHz is more near.
Here is some more technical data on CGA, EGA and VGA:
Display type CGA EGA VGA
Signal format RGBI RR'GG'BB' RGB
TTL TTL analoginen *
Colors 16 64 262144
HSYNC 15.75 kHz 21.85 kHz 31.48 kHz
VSYNC 60.0 Hz 60.0 Hz 60.0 Hz/70 Hz
Bandwidth 14MHz 20MHz 30 MHz
Resolution 640x200 640x350 640x480
Tomi Engdahl (
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