Subject: Re: diy 10 channel amp for art installation?
References: <[email protected]>
"steviec"  writes:

> I am trying to figure out the best way to power ten 3" speakers for an
> audio installation project that I am working on.
> I have an audio card that has 10 outputs (5 stereo outs) and need to be
> able to feed these signals to the 10 speakers.  I have been looking
> around various newsgroups and websites to figure out the best way to
> tackle this.  I don't have much experience with circuits (I am a
> programmer), but I am willing to learn whatever I need to make this
> happen.  If building something would be prohibitively difficult and/or
> expensive, I am also willing to purchase something that would do the
> job.  I don't have much money to spend on this, though.
> Any pointers or links to information would be very much appreciated.
> When I'm done with this, I'll post pictures/explanations for anyone
> that is interested.

You have not listed specifications like how much power you need 
for those speakers and what is the price range of the system. 

Here are some ideas that come to my mind how this could be done:

1. Buy or sent five stereo PA amplifiers and put then to a suitable 
   rack or just stack them on top of each other
- built using ready made components 
- this is a way to go if you need lots of power
- price range depends on the power range, statring from 
  somethign like 150-200 Euros/dollars per amplifier
Some examples:

2. Get ten one channel amplifier modules, install then all to  
   one place or put them where the speakers are 
- price range stats form something like 50-60 Euros/dollars per module
Some examples:

3. Get two home hifi AV amplifier (5.1 channel amplifiers) that have 
   analogue 5.1 channel input 
- use first amplifier to drive five speakers and second the rest
- the price range start from something like 300-400 euros/dollars per 
  amplifier (unless you can find some really cheap deal)

4. Get some amplifier electronics kits, build suitable power supply 
   for them and put them to suitable case
- you need to know about electronics to do this safely
- if you can find cheap kits and do not need lots of power 
  could be economical, on high power system definatelu not worh of the 
  problem because chinese made PA amplifiers are available very cheaply
  (building the same based on kits is more expensive)

5. Get five cheap car stereo amplifiers and power supply for them
- could be useful on quite low poer system if you can get cheap 
  car amplifiers
- please not that the power rating on cheap car amplifiers might not 
  tell truth (they give out considerably less power out than they promise)
- the high power 12V power supply needed to power those amplifiers 
  is a considerably expensive

Those are my ideas.

Tomi Engdahl (
Take a look at my electronics web links and documents at