Newsgroups: sci.electronics.misc
Subject: Re: 230-110
"spi"  writes:

>  Does any one know of a way to run a 110volt motor rated at 5Watts & a 110
> volt heating element rated at aprox 500Wattts from the UK mains (230 volt)
> without using a transformer,...there is not enough room for one.I was
> thinking perhaps use resistors, 

For a motor of 5W a resistor or transformer approach could be usable.
A small 5W transformer is not a big thing.

For 500W heater a resistor is out of the question. You would
need another 500W resistor to be in series with the existing heater.
The possibilities to consider is changing the connectionsinside
equipment if there are multiple heating elements (for example if
there are two 250W heater elements in parallel for 500W operation in 110V,
those connected in series would work as about 500W heater for 230V).
Another idea woudl be something like a light dimmer type 230V 
voltage chipping circuit for that 110V heater.

And finally before doing anythign chekc that the equipment would
be safe after those modifications.

> or mains (XorY) rated Caps.Any help would be appreciated.

I do not recommend.

Tomi Engdahl (
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