Newsgroups: Subject: Re: Building DMX stuff from scratch References:<[email protected]> "Richard Crowley" writes: > "Torrance Bell" wrote ... > > Been toying with the idea of putting together a box that takes a dmx > > signal and controls some relays. so far, I have found one chip that > > meets my needs perfectly. The Artistic Licence AL4008. > > This is something I would like to use in the future for doing Xmas > > lights like the infamous trans siberian orchestra video recently > > floated around the net. > > That light show was implemented using products from > They appear to use a > proprietary(?) communication bus called "SC485" > which appears to be significantly less expensive than > DMX. I am just wondering why would using rom proprietary RS-485 bus (I quess that "SC485" is RS-485 based) would be in any way significantly less expensive than DMX. There is nothing magic in DMX-512 compared to other RS-485 busses that woudl make is more expnsive. All you need to make DMX-512 interface (transmitter or receiver) is a decent microcontroller (6-10 Euros/dollars) and RS-485 transceiver IC (maybe 1-2 Euros/dollars). > The European magazine "Elektor Electronics" (published > in several languages including English) has published > several DMX construction articles and generally has pre- > programmed chips and PC boards available for sale... > There are also many interresting DMX-512 project in different web sites. The best ones I know are listed at Look "DMX-512 circuits" section. -- Tomi Engdahl ( Take a look at my electronics web links and documents at