Subject: Re: DTS jne..
References:  <[email protected]>
	<[email protected]> <[email protected]>
	<[email protected]> <[email protected]>
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	<[email protected]>
"Pesonen Jani"  writes:

> Mut Mika hei, ei suurinta osaa taida kiinnostaa se onko jossain lehdess{
> juttu mitenkin hyvin kirjoitettu, vaan nyt tarvittaisiin jotain tietoa
> tuosta miten DD ja DTS on levyille laitettu. Onko molemmat esimerkiksi
> kiinte{ll{ bitratella toteutettu (jolloin esimerkiksi DTS vaativissa
> tilanteissa antaa parempaa {{nt{, mutta sitten joissain vaatimattomimmissa
> tuhlaa kapasiteettia) vai miten? K{sitt{{kseni olet perehtynyt
> surround-toistoon enemm{nkin.
"While all Dolby Digital decoders are capable of handling data rates
as high as 640 kb/s, the 448 kb/s rate used on
DVDs provides sound quality that criticallistening tests have
consistently confirmed as on a par with original
master tapes. Therefore Dolby has no plans to promote the use of
higher data rates, particularly since in
applications such as DVD and DTV they could cut into the amount
of data available for the picture, thereby
potentially compromising picture quality."
"Data rates range from as low as 32 kb/s for a single mono channel to
as high as 640 kb/s, thereby covering a wide range of
requirements. Typical applications include 384 kb/s for 5.1-channel
DolbySurround Digital consumer formats, and 192 kb/s for two-channel 
audio distribution."

Tomi Engdahl (