To: [email protected](Roger Arrick)
Subject: Re: Looking for ELEKTOR ELECTRONICS Magazine
References: <[email protected]>
	<[email protected]>
From: Tomi Holger Engdahl 
Date: 28 Sep 1996 20:28:06 +0300
In-Reply-To: [email protected]'s message of 28 Sep 1996 03:46:42 GMT
Lines: 53
X-Mailer: Gnus v5.3/Emacs 19.34
[email protected](Roger Arrick) writes:

> I'm interested in getting a subsription to ELEKTOR ELECTRONICS magazine
> here in the US.  Checked the search engines and can't find anything.
> Please post and email

Elektor Electronics subscriptions are available at 
(information from July/August 1996 magazine):

World Wide Subscription Service Ltd.
Unit 4, Gibbs Reed Farm
Pashley Road
Telephone: +44 1580 200 657 (International)
Fax: +44 1580 200 616 (International)

Elector Electronics does not have Web site, but they have
one e-mail address for technical questions on projects
published on magazine.

From: "Tech Ed." 
Newsgroups: sci.electronics.components,sci.electronics.misc
Subject: Elektor Electronics Magazine Reporting
Date: 10 Sep 1996 11:21:26 GMT
Organization: Segment b.v.
Lines: 14
Message-ID: <01bb9f09.e7a394c0$9e0886c2@jan-s-486dx>
X-Newsreader: Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1085
Xref: sci.electronics.components:11706 sci.electronics.misc:14177

Hi everybody

Any query which you may have on projects published in
Elektor Electronics magazine may be posted to

[email protected]

I'm your technical editor and I will attempt to answer your questions,
with the assitanmce of our internal design staff.

best regards

Jan Buiting

! [email protected]  !  Electronics, Computers, DJ, Multimedia, Video, !
! [email protected]       !  WWW, Computer Graphics, Demos, Lights, Lasers  !
You can find more info and links at