Subject: Re: Build your own...
"E. Lee Dickinson"  writes:

> I'm consistently amazed and pleased at the expertise on this board, and with
> the amazing knowledgability of theatre techs in general.
> I'll probably build the Nys splitter, with added optoisolation on all the
> outputs. Half 5 pin, half 3 pin. Should suit me fine.
> Maybe one of us should do a soft of 'open source' website.. PCB art, circuit
> diagrams, etc. I myself jump at the opportunity to leech off of other
> people's superior knowledge. :) For example, I'd love to see a Frank-Wood
> designed press mult. Despite all else, I'm convinsed of his electronic
> design skills.
> I wonder what other projects we could come up with.

I have pretty much tried to provide an useful net resouce for 
free to download electronics circuit designs to

There are many of my own designs and documents there. 
There are circuits from simple amplifier/lamp flashers 
to multi channel light dimmer / simple light desks. 
Document section has lots od documents on audio, video, 
ligths, dimmer technogy etc... 
And the well known my large ground loop document to 
solve aal thise humming noise problems on audio system.

And there is an extensive links collection on all things 
relaed to electronics (around 18 000 links). 
The link section is not just random links. All links 
are organized on relevant sections and besides links 
there is a lot of introductory text in the beginning 
of every link section. 

Tomi Engdahl (
Take a look at my electronics web links and documents at