Newsgroups: comp.dcom.lans.ethernet
Subject: Re: strange ethernet electric problem
References: <[email protected]>
Robert Redelmeier writes:
> peancor wrote in part:
> > We tried powering the laptop (and the system) to an outlet
> > unrelated to the first one and all worked but i do not know
> > what conclusion extract from that.
> Something is different from that electrical outlet.
> Either power or ground less noisy.
> As other posters have correctly pointed out, low frequency
> isn't going to be a problem.
If you use shielded Ethernet cables and you have high enough
current flowing on the Ethernet cable shield this could be
a problem.... can cause problems to sensitive electronics
on either end of the cable.
> But any high frequency, high
> power switchers can be.
> Those VFDs might not have high
> primary shaft speed, but that does not correlate to the
> switching frequency which might easily be in the kHz.
Tomi Engdahl (
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