Newsgroups: sci.electronics.components,alt.electronics,aus.electronics,sci.electronics,sci.electronics.basics,sci.electronics.misc
Subject: Re: Remote control reciever question for timing of servo pulses
References: <[email protected]>
Ryan Kremser  writes:

> Hello, I am working on a project using a r/c receiver connecting to a
> micro controller.  Part of this project requires me to time the
> individual servo pulses.  It would be much easier if all periods of
> the pulse signal lined up with each other.  Does anyone know if this
> timing period starts at the same time for all servo channels or do
> they start separately.  Any  ideas of where i could find this
> information?  Thanks in advance.

The servo signal is transmitter generally in a form where  
the pulses for each individual servo are sent through the radio 
waves as one signal that contains every pulse after each other  
(and some sync information to know when first servo signal starts). 

So I quess that in this kind of system a simple receiver would 
send the received pulses as they arrive (each connected to 
their own output, in oder they arrive). So it is most propably that
those pulses start at different times (each on their own timeslot).

Tomi Engdahl (
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