Subject: Speaker cable insulation (Re: Advice on loudspeaker cable)
References:  <[email protected]>  <[email protected]>  <[email protected]>
"duelund"  writes:

> You should direct your interest towards the insulation of the wire instead.
> It is there you'll find the ghost. Its children are elsewhere.

Can you shed more light on this ghose ?
What do you consider to be the best insulation materials for
speaker cables ? What do you consider to be a bad insulation ?
And how does that bad affect the sound compared to that
good one ?

I have found some summary on wire insulation material
technical properties at

What of those propertias are the most effecting and what
are the good values for those different properties ?

So what makes a good insulation material good ?
And what properties make kit bad ?

It would be very good for this discussion if you could
shed some light on this topic. You seem to be sure that
the we should direct our interest towards the insulation 
of the wire, so it would be nice if you could share some
information on the insulation topic which have made you
so sure that it is a very important.

My own personal experience has been that I have heard the
difference berween inadequate thick speaker wire
(lots of resistance) and adequate thick wire (low resistance),
but I have never heard any considerable effect on changing
from one insulation material to another. And I have
tried cables insulted with PVC, PE, TPFE/Teflon and

Tomi Engdahl (
Take a look at my electronics web links and documents at