Subject: Re: 6.1 channels
dave sarcevic  writes:

> In the past year I have upgraded to a dvd player and AC-3 receiver. A 
> little while I go I saw an article about using the pro logic processor to 
> create a center channel in the surround speakers. If anyone could help me 
> I would appreciate it. I would hate to get rid of the processor it is in 
> great condition. Thank you.

The mohod of adding the enter channel to the rear speaker works
as follows:

1. You need to get the rear speaker signals at line level outputs
   (directly use those outputs if thye exist, otherwise convert from speaker

2. Connect those line level rear speaker signals to left and right inputs
   of the surround amplifier. Left rear left and right rear right.

3. Connect the rear speakers to left and right main speaker outputs of
   the surround amplifier. Connect the center rear spaker to the center
   channel outputs.

4. Set the amplifier to "Dolby 3 stereo" mode

And now you have the syustem set up. All you have to do after
this is to adjust the volume levels of your system so that all
rear spakers match the front speakers.

Tomi Engdahl (
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