Newsgroups: sci.engr.television.advanced
Subject: Re: 1024x1024 monitor whic graphic card?
"pipone39"  writes:

> Goodmorning,
> I need your help to solve the problem of setting the right resolution on my
> hitachi 42" plasma hdtv monitor;the unit needs to work at its native
> resolution of 1024x1024 but I am wondering how I can set it?I want to buy
> the right Sapphire or Asus Ati graphic card but I do not find any document
> explaining whether the eax600xt (for example),or the eax800xt have the
> possibility to set 1024x1024 resolution I need.
> Another question regards which one of your hdtv graphic cards comes with the
> HDTV adapter DVI-COMPONENT cable I need to plug in my Plasma.
> P.S.: I've heard about the POWERSTRIP software to set every kind of
> resolution.Do you confirm?

The hardware on PC graphics cards is designed as very freely programmable 
hardware. On modern graphics cards, you can very frely set the 
resolution and the refresh rate (pixel clock rate) etc... 
If you cna't get some specific resolution with your favourite operating 
system, the problem is not generally in the hardware, but the 
limitations on the operating systems and graphics card drivers. 
Geneally Windows system with the standard graphics card drivers 
is quite limiting on what resolutions you can get... 
SOme cards give more options and soem less, this depends 
how much extra stuff the grapnhic card maker has added to 
their drivers / accssory software. With some additional 
software, like POWERSTRIP, you can get quite much more 
tricks on Windows system that you ever knew you could get.

The users of Linux operating systems have had for many many 
years had the freedom to control the graphics card settings 
and screen resolutions pretty much as they wish. 
Just hand-edit the XF86Config file settigns and you 
can do wonders at almost any graphics card, when you know 
what you are doing. And there are tolls to help on 
the configuration. 

You can find more technical details at

And here are some links to tools to generate 
graphics card configurations for different systems:

Tomi Engdahl (
Take a look at my electronics web links and documents at