Newsgroups: sci.electronics.misc
Subject: Re: VGA Splitter?
"Dan Bennett"  writes:

> I am using a PC monitor as well as a VGA to component transcoder with my
> main PC. I want to be able to have them both plugged in simoltaneously
> without the need for a KVM or other similar hardware. 

My advice in your case is to buy a commercial VGA splitter device 
for this purpose. On the end of the message you talk abou quite 
high resolutions, and on those resolutions if you are not using 
a good quality VAG solitter amplifier, you will not get good results. 
The price of this kind of device generally is in 100-200 US dollars 

> Could I make a splitter that basically takes 2 full VGA cables 
> and then splice into one of them to get the RBGHV (1,2,3,13,14) 

I do not recommend this. The reason for this is the following:
- this will cause more load to graphics card that is is designed to 
  drive (it is ment to drive one monitor directly)
- You will cause an impedance mismatch, which will cause 
  signal reflections on the cables, which will cause bad picture quality

> I need for the transcoder? Will the
> monitor still work (as well as the transcoder at about 8-9 feet of cable
> length without any special circuitry? 

No. You need amplifier circuitry. 

You can find links to some circuit plans at
but if you need to ask this kind of questions, then I recommend 
that you get a a commercial VGA splitter amplifier and be happy with it.

> (The highest resolution I plan to use
> for the monitor is 1280x1024@60 as well as mainly 640x480 for the transcoder
> with maybe a possible 540p or 720p timing on occasions. Thanks for any help!
> Please feel free to email me if you have a good solution!

Tomi Engdahl (
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