Newsgroups: sci.electronics.misc Subject: Web feedback ant tips (was Re: Come and visit my electronics site) References: <[email protected]> "Paul Taylor"writes: > Come and visit my electronics site, inside you will find some interesting > stuff > please let me know what you think of it and possible ways of improving it, > bye for now > > enter Electronics Hompage here, First: Publish a working URL when advertising. This addrss gave error: ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: The following error was encountered: ERROR 205 -- DNS name lookup failure. Please contact your system administrator. Then I hacked a bit around an found out that worked. Second: Start pages with just "click here to continue" are completely unnecessary and does not have any valid fuction. This kind of first page is just atupid web design. Third: Get rid of those stupid flashing animations on the page. They are just annoying. Fourth: Publish the projects in some sensible standard web format. not just plain stupid .exe files which you claim to be .ZIP files. HTML files with GIF pictures with option to dowanload whole project as a zip file is a good choise. And so is Adobe Acrobat .pdf. Not those pjojects are pain in the arr to even browse (did not bother). Sixth: Do not use color combination dark blue on black background. It has poor contrast and is hard to read on most of the computer screen which are tuned right for general use (not brightness turned all down up) When those thing are fixed, then the site might be a good place to visit. And worth to be linked to other sites. On my cirteria the site is not now worth to be added to be listes in my electronics portal at Anyway a good start which can be potentially with some fixes become a good web site. Good thing on the design: The meny list on the left panel with it's background both looks good and is easy to read. For more web publishing tips, take a look at Other useful site for all web designers to look at is For publishing electronics projects on the web you can find tips written by me at -- Tomi Engdahl ( Take a look at my electronics web links and documents at