by gresh on Mon Sep 25, 2006 6:34 pm
Hello. Great site. Very informative.
I've recently purchased a K8048 which when i try to write to the chip 16f627 or 16f628 i keep getting write errors. A typical error will say "write error at 0000. Wrote: 280A rEAD 3FFF". I believe the hardware is o.k. LD7 is strong showing power, LD9 is flashing brightly when sw5 is in PROG mode, and LD8 is on showing read/ write activity? when sw5 is in prog mode.
The only hardware problem i did have was with the rs232 serial adaptor. I didn't have a 9pin skt on the back of the PC. I am using a USB to serial port adaptor and the program "progpic2" is telling that it DOES detect the K8048 at the required com port.
It does seem as if the program is trying to write to the chip but im not having success cos of the read/write errors.
Any ideas anyone????
Hello. Great site. Very informative.
I've recently purchased a K8048 which when i try to write to the chip 16f627 or 16f628 i keep getting write errors. A typical error will say "write error at 0000. Wrote: 280A rEAD 3FFF". I believe the hardware is o.k. LD7 is strong showing power, LD9 is flashing brightly when sw5 is in PROG mode, and LD8 is on showing read/ write activity? when sw5 is in prog mode.
The only hardware problem i did have was with the rs232 serial adaptor. I didn't have a 9pin skt on the back of the PC. I am using a USB to serial port adaptor and the program "progpic2" is telling that it DOES detect the K8048 at the required com port.
It does seem as if the program is trying to write to the chip but im not having success cos of the read/write errors.
Any ideas anyone???? :roll: