by Chakkarapani on Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:46 pm
Hi, Please help me out if u find any solution. . .
I want to read an SMS i received in the mobile phone using the PIC microcontroller.
I found many article stating that using Fbus we can send and receive SMS with the help of AT commands. Also i found that Septet has to be converted in to octet.
My problem is how i will convert it and interpret it. Is it i have to manipulate with the program what i write? or anyother logic is behind that...
My ultimate aim in my project is to enhance mobility, so i am not using any PC here.
whatever the site i visited, it is providing interface through hyperterminal for using AT commands...
how can i use AT commands through microcontroller?
Please provide me some solutions...
Hi, Please help me out if u find any solution. . .
I want to read an SMS i received in the mobile phone using the PIC microcontroller.
I found many article stating that using Fbus we can send and receive SMS with the help of AT commands. Also i found that Septet has to be converted in to octet.
My problem is how i will convert it and interpret it. Is it i have to manipulate with the program what i write? or anyother logic is behind that...
My ultimate aim in my project is to enhance mobility, so i am not using any PC here.
whatever the site i visited, it is providing interface through hyperterminal for using AT commands...
how can i use AT commands through microcontroller?
Please provide me some solutions...