Infrared Repeater 40 vs 56 khz?

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Infrared Repeater 40 vs 56 khz?

Postby claytone1 on Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:10 pm

Hello -

I'm doing some R&D for a new product I'm developing and need some help! We are testing out an IR signal repeater that offers 40 khz and 56 khz (if you enable it through a toggle). We need the repeater ONLY for flat screen televisions and no other components.

The question is: do we even need a 56 khz signal? It seems 40khz is the de facto standard for almost all tv manufacturers...

It's not a big deal for us to add a toggle switch to activate the 56khz, but if this is only going to be used .01 percent of the time it may not be worth it...

anyone able to educate me here?

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Re: Infrared Repeater 40 vs 56 khz?

Postby Tomi Engdahl on Wed Sep 16, 2009 2:15 pm

Practically all HIFI equipment, TVs and such I know use around 40 kHz IR carrier frequency. The frequency seems to be 40 KHz or 38 kHz.
That seems the industry standard.

I have seen that there are 56 kHz IR receiver modules available, but I don't know how much they are used and where.
Tomi Engdahl
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