PCB Component Layout Designing Software

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PCB Component Layout Designing Software

Postby gaurav279 on Sat Feb 21, 2009 8:59 am

Dear Friends :) ,

We are a group of Electronics Enthusiasts from India.We often construct difficult and complex electronic gadets and circuits.

We are searching for a CAD sort of simple Software in which if we draw our circuit diagram...it would automatically give us the smallest and shortest possible PCB Component Layout.If any one of you know any link or website to download the same please let me know...

Tomi ,
Any help or support from your side is most welcome....

Thanks & regards :D ,

Posts: 9
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2009 8:37 am

Re: PCB Component Layout Designing Software

Postby Tomi Engdahl on Sat Feb 21, 2009 9:12 pm

Nothing completely automatic that works for everything does not exist in electronics CAD software markets as far as I know. There are several different electronics design software that allows drawing schematics and quite automatically (but not completely automatically) can design the circuit board.

One worth to check (free to try and for non-professional hobby projects) is Eagle from Cadsoft:
Tomi Engdahl
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Re: PCB Component Layout Designing Software

Postby alah103 on Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:53 am

Cadsoft limits your board to 4 X 3" and it´s only for hobbyists unless you buy the comercial version. If you want a legally FREE software go to http://www.freepcb.com.

Re: PCB Component Layout Designing Software

Postby tlindema on Fri Jul 31, 2009 4:36 pm

Posts: 31
Joined: Thu Oct 02, 2003 5:47 pm

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