Power and Grounding for Audio and Audio/Video Systems

Power and Grounding for Audio and Audio/Video Systems – A White Paper for the Real World is a “White Paper” that attempts to cut through the confusion and set out a collection of good engineering practice that is both safe and effective. This 37 page technical document is worth to read for everybody who works with electricity and/or audio/video systems. it gives a good introduction to power system architectures used in North America and gives also brief introduction to systems used in Europe.  The section “Some Useful Troubleshooting Tools” gives ideas what tools to use to troubleshoot the problems.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Properly ground your circuits

    Engineers use the word “ground” in every electronic circuit to denote some part of a system or structure that is “neutral,” or zero potential. Unfortunately, we often think of circuits and systems, especially those with both analog and digital signals, as having more than one ground. This concept gave rise to a recent discussion on a signal-integrity online community

    Engineers and PCB designers often mention various types of grounds and methods for connecting them together.

    The kinds of grounds mentioned in this discussion include:

    Logic ground
    Analog ground
    Chassis ground
    Safety ground
    Earth ground

    Methods proposed for connecting these various “grounds” cover a broad range of options including:

    Connecting them at only one point.
    Cutting the ground plane under a mixed signal component
    Connecting them with capacitors.
    Segmenting the ground plane in a PCB such that there is only a narrow connection at one place between the analog and digital sides of the design.
    Separating the analog and digital grounds.

    These seemingly conflicting methods for dealing with ground can be a bit confusing. We’ll start by clarifying what ground is, which should reduce the confusion.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Studio Power Conditioning – Done Right

    In this session, Ken ‘hiwatt’ Marshall shares a few thoughts on powering your studio, and how you can literally disconnect from the local power grid and provide pristine power to your gear. Your studio and productions will LOVE you for it ;-)

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pro Tip with Michael James: Recording Studio Power Conditioning

    MJ discusses the need for clean, reliable power for the recording studio environment, using the Furman F1000-UPS, Furman IT-REF 20I, and Furman Power Factor Pro.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Defining “Clean Power” Systems
    By Arthur S. Kelm


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