Favicon generator

I just found an useful web favicon generator on-line tool at http://www.favicon.cc/. You can paint your logo with the web tool and download when you are finished. Then just put the favicon.ico file into your webserver directory and you are ready. This on-line tools also support generating favicon from an exiting picture that you can upload to the editor (many picture formats supported). Very useful and easy to use tool. You see the icon you are editing in big size plus a preview how it will look at real size in browser address bar. Read also Wikipedia Favicon article to get the information on different ways you can use your favicon in your web pages.



  1. Gregory Despain says:

    Thanks for the insight.I use this favicon generator http://www.favicongenerator.us it’s really sleek and works great.

  2. Alex says:

    Have you tried http://faviconit.com/?

    It seems like the most complete favicon generator :)


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