Nokia N9 Meego phone

I have earlier written about MeeGo Linux and how Nokia’s work on Meego is fading. Nokia has promised to release one Meego phone this year, and there has been many rumors on that device.

Nokia has finally revealed some details on their Meego phone. Nokia Introduces MeeGo-Powered N9 Phone. For details check this Nokia N9 first hands-on! video from Engadget and details from Nokia N9 web page.

The details that can be seen is that the user interface of N9 looks pretty different than the MeeGo Handset example pictures shown at MeeGo web site. So Nokia has developed something of their on for this phone and not just used the UI the open source project has produced (that did not look too good to me). N9 is based on Meego 1.2 OS, and Nokia has added it’s own Harmattan layer on top of it.



  1. touch kiosk says:

    the mobile phone becomes one pc, finally

  2. Tomi says:

    Nokia Killing Symbian and S40 In North America

    In an interview with AllthingsD, the head of Nokia’s US operations declared that Nokia will be focusing exclusively on Windows Phone devices in North America. Reasons cited include the low profit margins of the ubiquitous low-end Series 40 devices and lackluster sales of Symbian based devices. This also means that the N9 won’t be making it to North America either.

  3. Tomi says:

    Seen at Assembly 2011

    The stand for Ubuntu Linux also had some Meego people showing that Meego is still going wrong. I got my hands on the Nokia N9 prototype version (I did not get permission to take picture of it). There was also Intel Meego tablet reference platform shown on the stand. The MeeGo people from Nokia were not allowed to tell any interesting details of their MeeGo plans…

  4. Tomi says:!/maleadt/status/102089112600854529 says:

    WP7 currently supports 5 languages: EN, FR, DE, IT & ES. Coincidentally, the #N9 is not being released in those countries.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Meltemi is real – Nokia’s skunkworks Linux

    Sources tell us that Nokia is developing a Linux-based replacement for its S40 phones, called Meltemi. The news was leaked, accurately, by the Wall Street Journal last week. Now we can confirm it.

    The codename turned up in an internal communication we saw in April, referring to opportunities for redundant Meego staff “in the Meltemi organisation”. We inferred that was a Windows project. It isn’t.

    The April memo referred to Meltemi as a platform for “rich Featurephones” and stated that development will be centered in Ulm, Germany.

    Meltemi had been long-been touted as a richer successor to S40.

    Windows phones will occupy the budget smartphone segment, not Linux.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    One Nokia rumor:

    Something called the Nokia 710 (which I think someone had tipped about the other day, but I was not able to cover that story at the time). You can see it complete with specifications, with labels suggesting a new Symbian phone. The specs initially say Maemo Internet Tablet 2008, but they all point to Windows Phone.

    Would be interesting if it was actually a return of Maemo :p

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia is looking for ideas to improve Nokia N9 phone

    Give your feedback on the Nokia N9 user interface – in particular ideas to improve the key features.

    The top 10 ideas selected by the Jury in the end of the challenge will be rewarded with a Nokia N9 each!

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Meego 1.2 arrives for Nokia N9 users today

    The 284MB update should be available worldwide

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Leaked Prototype: Nokia “Lauta” RM-742 – Cancelled “Immediate” N9 Successor

    Another day, another leak. Here we have 7 images of the N9 successor, codenamed Lauta. It was to be “immediate successor” launched right after N9, also in Q4 2011.

    it was identical to N9, both in design and internal components, with the only differentiator being a full HW Keyboard.

    Of course, we all what happened with the Feb 11 Announcement, so no point bringing that up again.

    “Elop saying only 3 MeeGo Phones in 3 years was huge lie”


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