Display measurements book

The International Committee for Display Metrology (ICDM) and The Society for Information Display (SID) have published a new standardized way to measure electronic displays. Information Display Measurements Standard (IDMS) document consists of standard measurement procedures to quantify electronic display characteristics and qualities. The hope is that Information Display Measurements Standard (IDMS) serves standards organizations that wish to minimize the amount of space dedicated to measurement descriptions and make reference to this document instead. Suitable measurements can be selected depending upon the needs of the user from the large buffet discussed on the document.

Information Display Measurements Standard (IDMS) document also discusses display metrology (the science of display measurements). The document reveals some of the problems associated with making display measurements, contains diagnostics to reveal those problems, and offers solutions to these measurement difficulties. So it is interesting reading if you have anything to do with displays and their performance.


1 Comment

  1. tony says:

    we would like read this book, for panel measurement.thank you very much.


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