Raspberry Pi 2.0

Raspberry Pi 2.0 ready to ship article says that a new version of the Raspberry Pi has made its way into distribution channels. Revision 2.0 boards, as the new model is known, don’t feature any substantive changes. All the changes are detailed in Upcoming board revision blog posting. The new board version incorporates some changes made due to user requests.

The board version 2.0 includes mounting holes that help to mount Rasberry Pi for various applications, which is a good addition that has been asked by many people. Resettable fuses protecting the USB ports have now been removed, making it possible to power the Raspberry Pi from a USB hub that feeds back power. There are also changes affect some of the general-purpose input/output (GPIO) signals to add ARM JTAG support. A new connector site P5 has been added which provides an additional four GPIO signals for hobbyists to use.

The new 2.0 version should appear once existing Pi stocks run dry. That may already have happened.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi brings board build back to Britain

    Deal with Sony overcomes time and cost issues to shift manufacturing away from China

    “There was just no way to make the Raspberry Pi in the UK and keep the price at $25 for the Model A (which will be released before the end of the year at the promised price) and $35 for the Model B,” wrote Liz Upton of the Raspberry Pi Foundation in a blog announcing the UK manufacturing news on Thursday.

    To build in the UK, the charity would have been taxed on importing the components, which it had to source from overseas. However, importing a built item attracts no import duty.

    One of the Raspberry Pi operation’s suppliers, Premier Farnell, has now shifted the bulk of its manufacturing to South Wales, creating around 30 new jobs to supply 30,000 boards per month up to an initial order of 300,000. This should be a great selling point for Farnell, and I hope that buyers will consider this when choosing where to buy one of the coveted Raspberry Pi computers.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Made in the UK!

    Back at the beginning of April, Eben and I paid a visit to Sony’s UK manufacturing plant in Pencoed, South Wales.

    Sony’s quality control system is legendary, their ability to manufacture fast and cleanly is superb, and they’ve already invested in adding PoP (Package on Package – the fiddly stuff where the Broadcom chip at the heart of the Raspberry Pi is stacked beneath the RAM chip) hardware manufacture ability and expansion capability just for us. They’re also able to take on the huge task (currently undertaken by RS and Farnell) of ensuring the parts used are sourced ethically and to the highest ecological standards – every component has to pass standard compliance via Sony’s Green Management programme.

    The upshot of all this? Element14/Premier Farnell have made the decision to move the bulk of their Raspberry Pi manufacture to South Wales.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A nice shiny photo of the rev2 board – and User Guide news

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi won a Makey Award at this year’s Maker Faire NY! The Raspberry Pi’s award was for this year’s Most Hackable Device.

    Source: http://www.raspberrypi.org/archives/2130

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi: The Small Computer With The Big Ambition (To Get Kids Coding Again)

    If you’re a hardware hacker who knows your apples you’ll have heard of the Raspberry Pi – and maybe even bought one already. It’s the super cheap mini-computer which featured prominently at our Hackathon event last month.

    But there’s more to the Pi than a decent processor at bargain basement prices ($35/a $25 version is coming soon). We got the chance to chat to Eben Upton, founder and trustee of the not-for-profit Raspberry Pi Foundation — and the man responsible for the overall software and hardware architecture of the Pi – about the very big-hearted ambition behind the project.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jam today: Raspberry Pi Ram doubled

    The Raspberry Pi Foundation has upgraded its credit card-sized computer: it now sports 512MB of memory rather than 256MB, but still costs $35 (£22).

    Foundation founder Eben Upton promised that anyone who has an outstanding order will receive the upgraded board.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspis with double the RAM in the wild

    There is buzz all over the reddits and Element 14 discussion boards about an updated version of the Raspberry Pi that bumps the amount of RAM from 256 MB to 512 MB.

    This new update comes after the announcement of an upgraded version of the yet-to-be-released Raspi Model A (from 128 MB of RAM to 256 MB), and a few slight modifications to the Model B that include fixing a few hardware bugs (nothing serious) and adding mounting holes.

    Firstly, it appears this new upgrade to double the amount of RAM was initiated by manufacturers. It seems 512 MB RAM chips are cheap enough now to include in the Raspi without impacting the cost of components. Secondly, 512 MB seems to be the upper limit for the Raspberry Pi, at least for this iteration of hardware.

    So far, attentive Raspi enthusiasts have found Raspberry Pis with double the amount of RAM on the UK Farnell site and the Australian Element 14 site.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Rasperry Pi: Now mostly open source

    If you’ve been following the developments of building Android, Chromium, and other OSes for the Raspberry Pi, you’ll come across a common theme. The drivers for the Raspi’s chip are closed source and protected by Broadcom with an NDA. This limits the ability of devs to take on projects that involve messing around deep inside the CPU.

    Today, this is no longer the case. The CPU on the Raspberry Pi is now the first ARM-based system with fully functional, vendor-provided drivers.

  9. Tomi says:

    Bash Street bytes: Do UK schools really need the Raspberry Pi?
    Does Britain really need to be a nation of coders?

    There’s been a right fracas in education this year, with the government proclaiming that ICT (Information and Communication Technology) teaching is dull and demotivating, and that kids need to be be taught more programming, less use of applications.

    Into the fray like a white knight comes the Raspberry Pi, a tool designed to put the joy of coding back into kids’ hearts. Its arrivale has been followed by a multitude of articles in the mainstream press which have given it a massive thumbs up as the great teaching aid that will save us all and gives us an IT-savvy workforce fit for purpose in the 21st Century.

    Well, the broader buzz surrounding the Raspberry Pi has reached some kids at least.

    That second quote speaks volumes: there’s a passionate gang of ‘geek dads’ around, who are impressing the coding bug upon their offspring while they re-live their ZX Spectrum youth.

    Dads like these – and, sorry, it does tend to be dads, not mums – are doing their best to get the Pi inside the school gates.

    No doubt, coding clubs are a fantastic extra-curricular feature for schools, but what about utilising the Pi in lessons?

    The draft proposal for the new ICT curriculum is laden with coding-oriented objectives. It suggests that all pupils should “understand the fundamental principles of computer science, including algorithms”, and should “have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs”.

    The Raspberry Pi should, you might think, is the perfect tool for all this. But what do teachers actually think of the Pi?

    Plenty of recent media coverage has partnered Scratch with the Raspberry Pi, almost as it MIT’s kid-centric coding system was invented for the Pi. It’s not.

    Scratch is a wonderful learning tool.

    Some say using Scratch isn’t real programming, but the advantage of being able to drag and drop code components – for kids to have visual feedback throughout a task, without getting hung up on syntax – is what makes it a brilliant first step into programming for all children, not just the code-minded.

    All primary age children love Scratch. It very easily engages with them at their level, whether they can type and read, or not. Programming in a Python window will never fulfill that requirement.

    If there’s an aspect of the Raspberry Pi that really shouldn’t be ignored by schools, it’s the mass of hobbyist mobile inventions that seem to be springing up. Those Raspberry Pi balloons going up into the stratosphere with cameras? Amazing.

    Some exposure to programming boards – and, importantly, the logical thought involved in make use of such technology – can benefit many children, even at a young age, and will inspire some to get involved further.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi daddy: Stroke your hardware at night, land a job easy
    You want a career in computers? Start using computers

    Eben Upton, a key player in the Raspberry Pi’s genesis, said out-of-work graduates should get busy with computers in their spare time if they want to land a job. And he didn’t mean logging into Facebook.

    Speaking in a Google Hangout video chat conference call thing, Upton drew on his years of hiring newbies at chip giant Broadcom and his time teaching computer science at Cambridge University.

    He said graduates need to wow interviewers with their enthusiasm and proof of their ability to learn and develop – and that will involve spending long evenings hacking away at code, breadboards and pet projects.

    “If you walk in the door here and you look bright, you’re going to get hired,” he told a graduate struggling to find work due to the Catch-22 situation inexperienced job-hunters find themselves in: it’s hard to get onto the employment ladder and gain experience if nearly every company wants people with, say, a minimum of five years of C++ programming experience.

    “If you’re the right candidate that’s the answer. For the right candidate, people will waive these requirements,” Upton said.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi Model A coming soon

    As the lower-cost model of the Raspberry Pi, the Model A lacks a few features of the more complete Model B. For starters, there is no Ethernet port or controller, and only one USB port, This greatly reduces the power requirements for the Model A, measured by the Raspi Foundation at about 1/3rd of the power draw of the Model B.

    To save costs, the Model A is using the same PCB as the Model B – the Ethernet controller and port simply aren’t populated.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi nears one million milestone
    Pocket computer is selling like hot pies

    HOBBY COMPUTER the Raspberry Pi is taking over the world and there are around one million of the devices already out there.

    Maker Element14 revealed that more than half a million Raspberry Pi computers have rolled off its production lines on Tuesday.

    “It seems every time we talk about the Raspberry Pi we say it has been a true phenomenon, but it genuinely has,” said Mike Buffham, director of product at Element14.

    According to Eben Upton, creator of the Raspberry Pi and co-founder of its Foundation, much of the hardware’s success is down to the reception it has had from youngsters and hobbyists.

    “Since the Raspberry Pi was launched globally in February 2012 it has been a tremendous success story. The younger generation has demonstrated significant intrigue in learning how to build and program their own computer device,” said Upton.

  13. Tomi says:

    Raspberry Pi’s $25 Model A Hits Production Line

    The Raspberry Pi Foundation has announced that the cheaper variant of the Raspberry Pi – Model A, which costs just $25 has entered production phase.

    Model A of the credit-card sized computer has been stripped off its Ethernet port and a USB port thus leaving just one USB port.

    The board used for the Model A is the same as that of Model B.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi Model A goes on sale in Europe for just £19

    The Raspberry Pi Model A has only 256MB of RAM, which is half of what the Model B has, but given that the original Model B also had the same amount of RAM and few complained it doesn’t seem to be much of a downgrade.

    Eben Upton of the Raspberry Pi Foundation said, “We’re really pleased to finally be able to offer the Model A board. The lower power consumption and reduced height make it a great fit for so many of the projects that people are building with their Pis; and we’re excited to be able to make access to computing available at the $25 price we have been aiming at since we incorporated The Raspberry Pi Foundation as a charity. This is the realisation of our long-standing ambition to provide the world with a $25 computer.”

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Smaller Raspberry Pi costs under $25

    A smaller version of the Raspberry Pi computer built in the UK is driving the cost to under $25.

    element14 has announced the launch of the new credit card sized Raspberry Pi Model A board in Europe, selling at under $25. It uses the same 700MHz ARM1176 Broadcom BCM2835 processor but only 256MB of RAM is included as standard, there is no Ethernet connection and only one USB port, but it does use considerably less energy for battery-powered applications.

    The larger Model B sold over 500,000 units and demand for the Model A board is anticipated to be from those making industrial control modules, from robotics, automation, and significantly, to use the Pi as a very cheap media center.

    In recent weeks element14 has launched two exclusive accessories to support the development of new applications and uses: The Gertboard, a flexible experimenter board that connects the Raspberry Pi out to the physical world, and PiFace, which allows the user to sense and control the real world. Both are available to buy to supplement activity on the Raspberry Pi and can be used with the Model A and Model B boards.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi grows an eye
    Snaps suggest Chinese cams-for-mobes-maker Sunny will supply $25 PiCam

    The Raspberry Pi Foundation has released photos of a forthcoming camera module for the popular single-board computer.

    Pi spokespeople say the camera will cost $US25 and that the Foundation does not “have a release date for you yet, but we’re probably at least a month away (and possibly more) from being able to sell these at the moment.”

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Top 10 Raspberry Pi highlights from its first year
    Here are our favourite things about the budget Linux computer

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Raspberry Pi: One year since launch, one million sold
    The Pi super-charged DIY projects and offers a perfect teaching tool.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi’s Eben Upton: “Programming will make you a better doctor”

    Raspberry Pi’s Eben Upton at Technology Frontiers: “Programming will make you a better doctor”

    Upton attributed the relative lack of programming marbles in today’s youth on the ubiquity of what he calls “fixed function devices” such as games consoles and smartphones. Even the PC came in for criticism for being an expensive, fragile beast that parents are wary of letting their children experiment with and dismantle lest they permanently break the thing.

    Enter the Raspberry Pi: a computer small enough and robust enough to be thrown daily into a schoolbag, while costing no more than the price of a textbook, or so they thought. Upton joked that when the team realized that textbooks can be considerably more expensive they might have had an easier time engineering it. The basic Raspberry Pi costs US$25.

    As we now know, Upton and the Raspberry Pi Foundation were able to match the hype, and the Pi has gone on to sell a million units.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    RS Components brings Raspberry Pi manufacturing to UK from China
    Follows Premier Farnell’s example

    MORE RASPBERRY PI BOARDS with the “Made in UK” stamp will soon start shipping, as RS Components has revealed it is starting to move its production of the ARM processor based Linux computer from China to Britain.

    When we heard the news on Friday that the Raspberry Pi Foundation’s other distributor Premier Farnell has shifted 100 percent of its manufacturing to the UK

    RS Components’ product marketing PR manager Joanne Youson told
    “We are starting to move manufacturing into the UK, and while our aim is to ultimately move all production to the UK, dual location production in China will continue for the foreseeable future,” she said.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ask Slashdot: Why Buy a Raspberry Pi When I Have a Perfectly Good Cellphone?

    Solid, lots of add-on modules, vibrant hacker community. And it has its own programmable processor so if your application permits you don’t even have to have it attached to your PC to collect and process data.

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