Intel’s New Chips at CES

Intel’s talking about its new stuff at CES. Gizmodo article Intel’s New Chips: Everything You Need to Know gives you the latest details on Touch, Live Pay TV, Atom phones, all-day battery life for Intel Core computers.

Nowadays it seems that CES is the World’s Greatest Hardware Show Stuck in a Software Era. For a long time, the Consumer Electronics Show, which began in 1967, was the Super Bowl of new technology. It was a city-sized crystal ball, revealing what we’ll have in our living rooms and pockets a year or two or three years from now.

Two overlapping trends have chipped away at CES and events like it: First, software and services have become the soul of consumer technology. Hardware (seriously doesn’t the word “electronics” in the conference’s dusty title make your eyes instantly droop a bit?) has become increasingly commoditized into blank vessels that do little more than hold Facebook and Twitter and the App Store and Android and iOS. And the best and most interesting vessels, increasingly, are made by the very companies making the software. The second major trend is that the social web has replaced the trade show as a platform for showcasing and distributing products and concepts and ideas.

The consumer electronics show as a concept is changing and maybe fading out in some way.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    CES 2013 video: Intel core for tablets, ultrabooks

    Intel announced pull ins for core products, noting the new processors would come out earlier than expected and enable thinner, lighter ultrabooks and tablets with all-day battery life.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AMD, Intel and Nvidia start 2013 with bold chip statements at CES
    Analysis 2013 already shaping up to be a hot year in the chip market

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AMD, Intel and Nvidia start 2013 with bold chip statements at CES
    Analysis 2013 already shaping up to be a hot year in the chip market

    BOTH AMD and Intel made important chip architecture announcements at CES, while Nvidia announced its latest Tegra 4 system-on-chip, all of which look set to make 2013 a vintage year in the consumer semiconductor market.

    Ivy Bridge processor architecture below the 10W TDP threshold

    Intel, on the other hand, flexed its manufacturing muscle at CES by showing off 7W Ivy Bridge chips for use in selected ultrabook designs.

    Although Intel’s 7W Ivy Bridge chips are still nowhere near the low power utilisation level required to get into smartphones – Intel has no plans to put Ivy Bridge or Haswell processors into smartphones, instead relying on various incarnations of its Atom chip architectures – it once again shows just how far Intel can push x86 thanks in large part to the design generation lead in manufacturing it holds over some other chip designers and foundries.

    Aside from servers, Intel can also pitch the low power Ivy Bridge chip at all-in-one machines and even high-end 4K resolution internet televisions that require ever increasing processing power.

    Intel also brought out a few Atom chips for smartphones and tablets

    Unlike AMD, Intel can sit on its big announcement of 2013, which everyone knows is Haswell.

  4. tomi says:

    The Verge Awards: the best of CES 2013

    This is not about revenge. This is about justice. This is the best of CES 2013.

    he show that was supposed to be the last of the biggest — the end of the best — actually turned out a little differently than the critics predicted. A show that could have limped instead leapt in places. A show that could have declined seemed to rise instead. But it rose in all kinds of interesting directions.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel’s ’7W’ Ivy Bridge chips are partly a marketing sleight-of-hand

    CHIP INDUSTRY WATCHERS were somewhat stunned earlier this week when Intel revealed at its CES press conference on Monday that it has begun fabbing Ivy Bridge processors that draw only 7W of power and is shipping them to device makers for use in smartphones and tablets.

    However, further investigation has found that Intel’s claim to have developed 7W Ivy Bridge chips at least partly rests on some marketing sleight-of-hand, and it remains to be seen how well these processors will actually perform, that is, whether Intel will get away with this clever marketing ploy in the highly competitive mobile device markets.

  6. tomi says:

    Five ways the cool stuff at CES will ruin your life

    There are a lot of reasons to be skeptical of a future in which smart devices of every shape and size do our thinking for us. Here are five good reasons the Internet of Things might just make our lives worse.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    CES Slideshow: The Next Big (or Little) Things

    Gary Shapiro, poobah of the Consumer Electronics Association, likes to call the International CES, held last week in Las Vegas, “the greatest show on earth.” With more than 150,000 people in attendance

    It’s the only show on the planet that brings together a decidely eclectic audience drawn from the consumer electronics, mobile, PC, healthcare, semiconductor, and software industries.

    And a lot of bloggers.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Best of CES 2013

    There was a time when you could expect the greatest gear in every product category to roll out at CES. The best laptops. The best TVs. The best mobile phones. But that time has passed us by. Production cycles are faster. Companies do their own things. CES is not the same show it once was.

    Some have argued this means CES 2013 was a disappointment, or that the show has lost its way. Maybe so. But the fact is there was still a heck of a lot of wondrous new gadgetry to see at CES. Some of it is stuff that isn’t even shipping yet.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    EDN Video Vault:
    While some claim CES has lost its luster and big name headliners over the years, the show refuses to be deemed irrelevant. With trends spanning healthcare, mobile and automotive, there was plenty to see.

    Video link:,AAAAAF20n-g~,CF5jswuZOsW74gLJ1K1zFjoeQ05417Py&bctid=2103746114001

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