Tietoviikko reports that Finland (my home country) is the world’s best IT country according to World Economic Forum study The Global Information Technology Report 2013. According to the study, Finland is the world’s number one country when it comes to the economy’s ability to use information technology to competitiveness and prosperity. Finland has toppled Sweden from the top spot in a ranking of economies that are best placed to benefit from new information and communication technologies (ICTs). The question still remains how this result was got because there are many things in Finland ICT that are are far from very good, so are other countries just much lousier on those aspects?
At the core of the report, the Networked Readiness Index (NRI) measures the preparedness of an economy to use ICT to boost competitiveness and well-being. In this edition, Finland (1st), Singapore (2nd) and Sweden (3rd) continue to lead the NRI, with the Netherlands (4th), Norway (5th), Switzerland (6th), the United Kingdom (7th), Denmark (8th), the United States (9th) and Taiwan, China (10th) completing the top 10.
Global Information Technology Report 2013 has a nice map that visualizes the network readiness of different countries.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Machinery and equipment exports fell sharply in October 2016
Machinery and equipment exports fell sharply in October
General – 08/12/2016
Finland value of goods exports in October was the duty preliminary statistics, nearly € 4.5 billion, or six per cent less than in October last year. Decreased partly explains the year-trip helicopter and airplane deliveries due to a strong comparative month.
Exports to EU countries decreased by 12 per cent in October and imports from the EU by six per cent. At the same time, exports to countries outside the EU increased by five per cent and imports from outside the EU by two per cent.
Exports to the United States, the Netherlands and China increased in October. Exports to Russia began after the fall of September, while the growth. Exports to Sweden, Great Britain and Germany worsened.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/08/koneiden-ja-laitteiden-vienti-laski-jyrkasti-lokakuussa/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Car factory has most robots in Finland
Construction related to the new bodywork welding, Valmet Automotive Mercedes-Benz GLC model and installation works have been completed in Uusikaupunki car factory. The new welding workshop has a total of 316 robots, and it is Finland’s largest robot Welding shop.
” Project related to GLC SUV from Mercedes-Benz”
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/08/autotehtaassa-eniten-robotteja/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Almost 700 basic school pupils and their teachers will present an event center on Friday in Helsinki Dock each other Lego robots they have built. Included Robot Stadissa has 20 students from school and 40 robots made by children. Three different race series is measured programming skills and teamwork.
Second Robot Stadissa event to inspire students to technology more attractive and to raise pupils’ knowledge. Robots through a 1 to 9-graders are familiar with the programming and learned to recognize different things-programmed environment. Helsinki, 59 schools have participated in the robot project over two years.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/08/robot-stadissa-keraa-lahes-700-koululaista/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Helsinki, a new two-day technology exhibition in 2017
Helsinki Fair Centre collects technologies of the future, innovation, authors and users under the same roof next March 29 to 30. the days of two new professional event fun. The international success of the event Advanced Engineering will be launched in Finland in conjunction with completely changed ICTexpon, whose name is the future of IT PRO.
The organizer easyFairs The aim is to create a two-day forum, which will focus on highlighting the manufacturing industry solutions serve the always intelligent materials 3D industry through IT services.
Advanced Engineering Helsinki released last month, two keynote -puhujaansa. The first day of the event on the stage rises Tesla engineer, Sean Hsu, who is responsible for the design of Nikola Tesla manufacture of new energy products.
The second day will be a key speaker at NASA from. Victor Luo, who works as a technical director of NASA
Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5549:helsinkiin-uusi-kaksipaivainen-teknologiamessu&catid=13&Itemid=101
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
IT sector absorbs Finnish companies in Sweden
The Finnish IT companies are trying to get their share of the Swedish market through acquisitions. Over the last couple of months, for example the opening, Enfo, Innofactor, Nixu and Sofigate have acquired IT companies to its Western neighbor.
“Finland has lived a quiet life for a long time. In Sweden, the IT market pull and multi-Finnish company believes growth opportunities in the neighboring country, “says Mr. Petri Nixu Kairinen.
Neighboring country fragmented markets is also room for new entrants, and therefore a Finnish IT company will open its international expansion in Sweden.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/it-ala-imee-suomalaisyrityksia-ruotsiin-6606342
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finnish ring activity raises EUR 5 million
Oura-ring developer wellness, Finnish Ouraring has collected five million euros in the A round of financing nimekkäiltä investors.
Published on the Growth Enterprise Event Slushissa financing round are involved in the MIT Media Lab’s director and investor Joi Ito, and one of the founders of Skype, Estonian Jan Tallinn. More than 70 per cent of the investment came from the United States by private investors.
The investment round will Ouraring to invest in sales, marketing and business growth particularly in the North American market. Also, the smartphone application and further development of cloud services is investing significantly.
The company was established in Oulu in 2013 employs 15 people. The company is currently recruiting and their team plans to hire more top experts in Finland and abroad. Rings prepared by Sanmina works Haukiputaa.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/suomalainen-aktiivisuussormus-kerasi-5-miljoonaa-euroa-6606317
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finnish to security design expertise with automation
The degree of automation and the quality of the Finnish Institute of the design is to be increased. VTT is coordinating a new kind of Engineering Rulez project entity. The project seeks to ensure that planning activities to be maintained in Finland and to keep pace with global institution investment projects.
Engineer’s Rulez project investigated machine learning, artificial intelligence, application of technologies for modeling and simulation of plant design. The project consists of nine parallel project, which is both companies’ R & D projects that parallel research project.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/13/suomi-turvaa-suunnitteluosaamistaan-automaatiolla/
Tomi Engdahl says:
So now began to rise – the electrical and electronics industry grew the most
- 12/13/2016
Turnover in manufacturing increased in the third quarter by 2.3 per cent compared with the previous year. Most increased electrical and electronics industry. Metal and forest industries increased in July-September was 4.2 per cent.
Net sales grew in almost all sectors of industry, from the corresponding period of the previous year. Electrical and electronics industry growth came to 5.5 percent, and the forest industry and the metal industry, by 4.2 per cent.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/13/nytko-nousu-alkoi-sahko-elektroniikkateollisuus-kasvoi-eniten/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Telia-Sonera brings to Helsinki 5G services with Nokia
Telia-Sonera launches first 5G services to Helsinki together with Nokia in 2018. Telia’s President and CEO Johan Dennelid about starting a new web project today Slush-investor event.
Providing new 5G services will bring new opportunities for the development of mobile services in the Helsinki region. High-speed mobile broadband, significantly lower than the current delay and support IoT devices probably interested in developing new services and solutions.
“We want to catalyze change and to be at the forefront of the industry. We will ensure, together with Nokia, Sonera customers that have access to the best networks and that we are able to bring 5G in time to our partners for the development of future services,
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/11/30/telia-sonera-tuo-5g-palvelut-helsinkiin-nokian-kanssa/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Virve network will soon provide a hybrid
in use 15 years Virve network used by authorities early next year to use commercial transfer of mobile networks to broadband data traffic, such as video. – At the moment, we are in the pilot phase, says VIRVE operating the Networks Oy’s Managing Director Timo Lehtimäki.
Cell phone networks have been required regulatory networks, ie the so-called. PS-functionalities (public safety) as of now, but on the other hand a multi-network technology is familiar to Tetra until the pipeline.
- Some functions are included in the current LTE or the 3GPP Release 13 assays, but some of the moves to standard 14- and 15 versions, Lehtimäki explains.
The current VIRVE using, inter alia, rescue services, police, defense, social and health services, the Border Guard, Customs, Emergency Response Centre, Yle, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, as well as ambulance and security companies and energy utilities. Virve network of more than 37 000 subscribers, and there is transmitted to a day more than a hundred thousand group calls and seven million short message.
When a portion of the connections transferred to a commercial mobile network, including new terminals are needed. – Such networks operating in both terminals is coming, but they are siirtyämajan solution, says Lehtimäki.
Virve network is therefore coming to an end? – Yes, but it takes a long time. Others are talking about ten years, others from 2030, says Lehtimäki. In other applications, such as, say, the railway network Virve not giving up yet on this no schedule.
The network is highly reliable due to its 1400 base stations to create effective overlapping coverage. The coverage is maintained, even if the individual base station would go out of order.
Virve is still in many ways a more reliable network than a commercial mobile network.
- Commercial radio networks are not always available, for example, mass events, in which the network is congested large number of users. Virve instead always works, says Lehtimäki.
Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5589:virve-verkko-siirtyy-pian-hybridiaikaan&catid=13&Itemid=101
Tomi Engdahl says:
very little contaminated servers in Finland
Microsoft has released the latest version of the twice-yearly publish only the Security Intelligence Report (SIR) -tietoturvaraportistaan, which clarified during the first half of the security situation globally in over 100 countries and territories. Finland stands out once again report his advantage: the number of malicious website in Finland is considerably lower than the world average.
the number of servers that contain harmful programs in Finland was 14.8 thousand servers per server, while the global average was 36.8. In the first half of 2016 the level of malicious software infections and observations in Finland was typically about half of the world average.
While the world average number of malware incidents is on the rise, there is a trend in Finland and the other Nordic countries decreasing. In the first quarter of 2016 the level of malware incidents in Finland was 9.2 per cent and 7.9 per cent in the second quarter, as the global average in the first quarter by 18.3 per cent and 21.2 per cent in the second.
- Finland is based on the findings of computer networks purity once the world leaders together with Japan. In Finland, an average of 93.9 percent of the computers is protected with real-time security software.
Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5596:suomessa-hyvin-vahan-saastuneita-palvelimia&catid=13&Itemid=101
Tomi Engdahl says:
More than 70% of Finnish companies to digitize full swing – only a few in the goal
In Finland, companies have woken up to the digital transition and beginning to move their business and the digital era. Case shows IT services company CGI’s global report.
Three out of four respondents reported that the digital transformation of the company is currently in progress. About one in six respondents said that the organization is currently in the so-called proof of concept level, which could also be called a so-called demo phase.
Slightly less than one in ten respondents is currently examining what digitalization mean for your organization. Only four percent of companies believe that they are already largely completed the transition to digital business.
IT budgets are clearly on the rise according to a report in certain sectors. For example, healthcare organizations all indicate that IT consumption will increase. Three of the four general-purpose services such as water, gas and electricity organizations providing explains to increase its IT budget.
Also, retail trade and consumer services side half of the organizations see IT consumption to grow. One in four estimates that it will remain unchanged, and the second quarter believes investments to fall.
IT recruitment experts is growing
Waking up in the digital business is already recruiting in the IT industry. Also, for example, Nordea and OP have told measurement of digital experts salary plans.
“The digital transformations can not be outsourced. Business needs to be involved in it, but when searching for excellence, none of the company does not make sense to go to strive for complete self-sufficiency, “says Volanen.
Finland emerged from the study cyber security areas. Finnish respondents were to recognize the growing importance of threats, but IT priorities cyber safety was not as high as globally.
“Finns consider their own cyber defence higher than it actually is. In addition, we may be stuck thinking that we are still in this best of all worlds safe, “Volanen sees.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/yli-70-suomalaisyrityksista-digitalisoi-taytta-hakaa-vain-harva-silti-maalissa-6607536
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Internet of Things will also be in recreational craft
Finnish company (owned by Yamaha) Buster Boats take advantage of the Internet of Things in the new interface that integrates a boat trip computer, charts and entertainment system. DNA data interface to connect to the network intelligence devices.
DNA delivers Buster boats monitor the system online machine machine interfaces. Buster Q called the terminal brings together boaters useful data. The touch screen combined with electronic maps, trip computer and entertainment system into a motor boat to the basic equipment.
“The modern consumer expects that the integrated smart devices are also boats that date. In particular, small boat models boat industry is not, however, kept up with developments, “Buster Boats Product Development Manager Anders Kurtén says.
Buster Q is connected to the Internet DNA M2M interface through. Kurtén according to reliable and complete data connections are a prerequisite for IoT applications can be used on boats.
Buster Q includes a Wi-Fi base station, through which a wireless network connection can be shared by other devices. The corresponding DNA’s 4G network hotspot using has been in use already Buster M-class boats.
The new system, for example, to eliminate the need to acquire a separate chartplotter or sonar device. Because the user interface is designed for motor boats, is all the unnecessary features and menus have been left out by Buster.
“Our goal is to make boating easier and safer for everyone,” says Juha Lehtola Buster Boats CEO.
“Buster Q stands for the Internet of Things inputs boats. The device, for example, to update themselves whenever a network connection is available and develop Buster Q’s new features, ”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokia expertise brings companies to Finland
Microsoft and Nokia’s layoffs have created a new technology companies the opportunity to hire top experts and entire teams. Tampere have seized the opportunity to Huawei in addition to a Swiss electronics house u-blox and Chinese Power Vision. Also, Salo, Oulu and Espoo marketing territory for international technology companies.
The technology sector is widely Tampere transition. Instead of two left the company and several companies in different fields. For example, a Chinese manufacturer of drones Power Vision opened this autumn’s research and development unit of the city.
Also, a lot of the rest of the talent available
Oulu telecommunications giant cuts started in the past, but they were released from Tampere and Salo in addition to the wider metropolitan area. Nokia, Microsoft and many other companies of redundancies in the market has become a highly-skilled workforce. many of them have already found the new starting business or employment espoolaisiin performing SMEs and growth companies.
” The redundancies are unfortunate, but they are often followed by a lot of good in the end. We have created hundreds of new companies with new innovating our garden ”, the City of Espoo Economic Development Director Tuula Antola says.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/16/nokia-osaaminen-tuo-uusia-yrityksia-tampereelle/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Oulu is testing 5G technology to health care
The future of health care solutions are already being developed – and many of them are designed in Finland. Oulu tested 5G network technologies Health Oulu, Oulu University Hospital ecosystem TestLab test environments. A new generation of network environment serves as a platform for many healthcare revolutionary technologies and services. The experiment is part of the hospital of the future 2030 project.
“Oulu is probably the first place in the world where the use of 5G network to be tested in a hospital environment,”
This Finnish innovations come from health care:
- Speech therapy game
- Welfare measurements from the finger
- A doctor’s office in your living room
- End of snoring
- All patient information in real-time doctor in your pocket
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/16/oulu-kokeilee-5g-tekniikkaa-terveydenhoitoon/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tuusula is the latest city to be listed on the Finnish data centers to the list. German Hetzner first Finnish unit of the data center foundation stone has been laid. Data center operations are expected to begin in the autumn of 2017.
Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5602:tuusulaan-nousee-datakeskus&catid=13&Itemid=101
Tomi Engdahl says:
Car software expert sold to China
Now automotive user interface software developer Rightware is sold to a Chinese company Thunder Soft. The transaction value is EUR 64 million and it is expected to be completed in early 2017.
“Thundersoftin investment Rightware is an excellent example of how Finland can generate unique expertise, solutions and technologies to the global market – and thus attract international investments to Finland,” Right Software’s CEO Jonas Geust says.
Eariler Elektrobit (currently Bittium) car software business were sold the cars to Germany a couple of years ago.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/19/auto-ohjelmien-osaaja-myytiin-kiinaan/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tetra-traffic enters the mobile network
Virve technical requirements grow, the need for wireless broadband data transfer increases. In the future, the key is cooperation with commercial network operators. in terms of new broadband data transmission Virvessä now takes the first steps in various pilot projects.
Transmission of Image Material successful wireless broadband 4G technology. Images using a snapshot of the authorities, for example, scene of the accident will be more accurate.
- For example, the helmet camera image can not be Virve modern technology to convey, but in the future it is possible. Also in the future Virve terminals can be anything that describes the development of Networks Oy’s Managing Director Timo Lehtimäki.
Source: http://etn.fi/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5634:tetra-liikenne-siirtyy-mobiiliverkkoon&catid=13&Itemid=101
Tomi Engdahl says:
“Fiber optic is becoming inevitable” – fiber activist calls for action
Only about 15 per cent of Finnish fiber will be your house or apartment building. This calculates the fiber optic active and Oulu Netplaza CEO Tommi Linna. According to him, there is no fiber, especially in small towns and urban areas.
The castle according to some 1.7 million households in Finland about 2.7 million households are left without light spawning us.
“For small urban centers and large cities in sparsely populated areas is home to a large remaining majority of offside,” says Castle.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/valokuidun-tuleminen-on-vaajaamatonta-kuituaktivisti-vaatii-toimia-6611386
Tomi Engdahl says:
DNA Mobile data to grow tenfold in the coming years
Telecom operator DNA’s 4G data traffic is growing fast way Sonera and Elisa. DNA throughout most of the traffic is 4G-based. The company’s radio network leader Jarkko Laari believes traffic tenfold in the coming years.
Telecom operator DNA’s 4G mobile data increased by 120 percent in the past year. Traffic growth are influenced by the company, the expansion of the 4G network, the spread of new data devices such as 4G modems and tablets, as well as a variety of video and other content shift to mobile devices.
DNA: processing of data traffic in the mobile network exceeded the fixed broadband traffic during the summer even though the amount of the fixed-line traffic continues to increase. Currently, DNA, 82 percent of mobile data traffic is 4G traffic. DNA’s 4G network a population coverage of more than 99 per cent.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2016/12/30/dna-mobiilidata-kymmenkertaistuu-lahivuosina/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Growth in the IT sector exceeded other sectors – a shortage of experts paralyzes
Finland IT sector grew more strongly than all the other sectors in reported in 2014-2015.
The total turnover of companies in the industry has already plummeted to more than 10 billion euros, reports Balance Consulting and Valor’s latest industry overview.
The sector is absorbing digitalisation: it’s share of corporate budgets grew and focused specifically on the development of digital solutions. Similarly, the It budget has provided less money for other IT acquisitions. For example, the amount of money spent on servers and basic information technology has fallen sharply.
The wave of digitalisation supports especially the growth of IT consultants and software companies. However, the rate of increase brake specialist shortage, estimated shareholder Antti Halonen consulting company Valorista: “. At the moment, the biggest IT companies the problem is not demand, but finding a talent”
According to Halonen, the shortage of labor is deepened by the fact that digiosive professionals are interested in companies in other industries. There is also a risk of wage inflation: experienced experts know the labor situation and plan their wage demand accordingly.
Many IT company is considering to solve expert shortage with acquisition, for the purchase of a good team ready to venture may become easier as the expert in a bigger set of hiring. Manufacturing industry companies are also now seeking software affirmations. Last year, for example, Wärtsilä acquired Eniram and Etteplan Espotel.
The number of acquisitions is also picked up by strategy choices: almost all listed Finnish IT companies speak of acquisitions as one of their key strategies. Venture capitalists also strive for IT companies.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/it-alan-kasvu-ohitti-muut-alat-osaajapula-jarruttaa-tahtia-6649362
Tomi Engdahl says:
shortage of coders – help from abroad
Almost 90 percent of software companies are growing, says the barometer of the newest software industry. At the same time, according to Rasmus Roiha, Managing Director of the Software Entrepreneurs Association, a billion people in the software sector are threatened.
Future growth in Finland’s economy and prosperity is based on our success in digitalisation. The Barometer of the Fresh Software Entrepreneurs Association tells about the growth that weighs billions of a year. Almost 90% of software companies are growing, and almost one quarter is growing significantly.
” Now, as well as the software industry, the industry that services will have to contend with far too few top performers, and this creates a very real threat to Finland’s future, ”
The borders of growth are coming soon, as some 7,000 top experts in the digital world will soon be able to find jobs in Finland. According to Roiha, they are not available.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2017/06/15/paheneva-pula-koodareista-apua-ulkomailta/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finland remained a genius in silver – experts already have a shortage
The use of Finnish digital technology in relation to 21 other countries has again been measured in the Digibarometer survey. Finland’s last year’s top spot this year is silver when Norway is heading ahead of us. One reason for this is the lack of experts.
‘ Finland is a long-term and steady digiter, and the investment is still great Top of the line. Instead of Finnish know-how would be weakened, rather on other developed countries to theirs, ” says the study carried out Etlatieto CEO Petri Rouvinen.
The Finnish public sector improved its ranking from third place to second.
According to Mr Rouvinen, Finnish companies have had more difficulty recruiting experts in the field of ICT over the last year, while in Norway, for example, public actions to exploit ICT.
Similarly, in the technical capability of cloud computing, several other countries of comparison have gone through Finland a year. If Finland’s invoice would continue, its impact would be on the digital market, business results and the standard of living.
” In order for Finland would rise again to the top of the world, should continue to invest in digital infrastructure, public services and citizens’ digital skills’ ‘, Rouvinen says.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2017/06/15/suomi-jai-digisoveltajana-hopealle-osaajista-jo-pulaa/
Tomi Engdahl says:
A lack of skilled worker threatens strong software growth – Rasmus Roiha would take the model from Canada
The latest barometer in the software industry shows that nearly 90 percent of Finnish software companies are growing. Almost a quarter of the companies are growing significantly.
“The result is a really nice Shadow to throw, however, growing concern about the worsening shortage of expert.”, States Software Entrepreneurs Association’s President and CEO Rasmus Roiha release.
“Software companies are growing almost 90 percent, and almost one quarter are growing significantly. This means a billion-year annual growth, which our hopefuls are still just enough. However, the limits of growth are coming to an end, as some 7,000 top-level experts in the digital world will soon be able to find jobs in Finland. They are not just there. ”
“Urbanization is, alongside digitalisation, the world’s most important megatrend.”
Software entrepreneurs propose to Canada a Canada model that generates less than one percent of immigrants per annum in Canada per annum.
“The Canadian model has, in many respects, solved Canadian social and economic success. Professionals have been provided to those parts of the economy that are in need of knowledge and have been welcomed by society. In Finland, a government decision is needed to align immigration policy, but attraction must come from urban centers. ”
“The software industry would take up to 5000 of the top experts. Target cities must also be attractive to their families with their English-language services.”
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/huutava-osaajapula-uhkaa-ohjelmistoalan-vahvaa-kasvua-rasmus-roiha-ottaisi-mallia-kanadasta-6657764
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finland needs 9,000 new designers
The planning gap in the design and consulting sector will increase by at least 9,000 people in 2017-2025, as evidenced by a new study by the industry itself. Growing retirement along with growth in the industry further deepens the skills gap.
The design and consulting industry has been growing strongly for many years, and the prospects for the future are also positive in the industry. The sector employs the highest number of highly qualified experts from the fields of technology and transport.
Growing retirement, together with the growth in the industry, significantly deepens the skills gap. This is apparent from the study by SKOL’s design and consulting industry organization. It charted the number of degrees of higher education in the five key areas of study relevant to the industry and the demand for labor in 2017-2025. The survey was conducted both as slow and rapid growth scenarios.
The Slow Growth Scenario generates an average annual loss of 1000 employees per year. The rapid growth rate would be as low as 1600 experts a year. A total of at least 9000 university graduates will be born in 2017-2025.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2017/06/15/suomi-tarvitsee-9000-uutta-suunnittelijaa/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Microsoft Build collected more than 500 developers in Helsinki
Helsinki’s Microsoft Build event gathered more than 500 application developers to explore Microsoft’s latest releases and to hear about technology development. There was also support for other Windows Mobile devices on display for Windows 10.
Helsinki Hernesaari Dock on Wednesday and Thursday, Build-arranged place began to Microsoft’s UWP applications expert Shen Chauhan’s, the opening speech. According to him, Windows 10 has now installed a total of more than 500 million unique device used for an average of 3.5 hours a day, Shen told reporters.
Source: http://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2017/06/16/microsoftin-build-kerasi-helsinkiin-yli-500-kehittajaa/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokia Bell Labs makes Espoo smart city: 5g base stations every ten meters
There may be a solution for light columns to move the information masses required by smart cities. This is how nine Finnish companies believe that they will launch a joint three-year smart city project under the leadership of Nokia Bell Labs.
The LuxTurrim 5g network will be built at Nokia’s headquarters campus in Karamalmi, Espoo. The first pilot applications are due to be completed already this year.
The total budget for the project financed by Tekes and the companies is EUR 15 million.
At the heart of the research is the 5g network enabling the data capacity required by smart cities. According to the research group, it is most naturally built on the urban lighting network. The idea is to develop a new kind of lighting column that, in addition to various sensors, is integrated with the small base station of the mobile network.
The higher the frequencies of the 5g network rise, the shorter the base range reaches.
“For example, 76 GHz to 50 meters is suitable spacing”
The network thus forms a lamp quite naturally adequate coverage of the mobile network.
“For Nokia, this is purely a research project. The actual commercial product targets have been set for the 2020s, “emphasizes Salmelin.
A mobile network based on light columns is an abnormal solution compared to the present
The construction of the mobile network would also involve cities that are currently building a lighting network.
“Cities are very interested in the smart city concept, and they also have an interest in designing and building such infrastructure that will enable moving larger amounts of data over the 5G networks,” Salmelin says.
It would be a good idea for cities to provide lighting posts as columns and their associated infrastructure for the 5G network, so there would be no need to negotiate the base stations with many property owners, for example.
“In the current model, each operator will build their own base station network. This may not be economically feasible when the number of base stations in one network is growing strongly.”
VTT and Aalto University are responsible for the commercial side of contemplation. The key questions are the relationship between exploitation and ownership of the 5g network; How the network can be utilized economically and what are the roles of the mobile operator and city in the future.
In addition, Tampere University of Technology is involved in the development of composite materials and structures and 5g technology with Aalto and VTT.
Source: http://www.tekniikkatalous.fi/tekniikka/ict/nokia-bell-labs-tekee-espoosta-alykaupunkia-5g-tukiasemia-muutaman-kymmenen-metrin-valein-6652289
Tomi Engdahl says:
The data center is selected based on security
In April, data center company Equinix commissioned a survey asking about the decision-making of Finnish companies over 100 people. According to the results, the information resource is the most important criterion when choosing a web site. Its name is 63 per cent of the nearly 100 respondents.
Finnish companies and government organizations rely heavily on outsourced data center services and clouds in their IT operations. Only under a fifth uses only their own data base as a platform for their data and applications.
Based on the answers, the services are most commonly used in a decentralized way between data center services, the cloud and their own computers. Every fourth company uses all three, and as many have their own machine room filled with clouds.
The most important reason for the purchase of data center services is the cost savings from the efficiency improvement, compared to their own machine room (27% of the respondents). Second, the main reason is the need to run business-critical applications (24%). Third, the majority is supposed to supplement its own network of accounts (18%), which also involves the trend of server outsourcing.
When selecting a data center service provider, the most important selection criteria are data security (63%) and service price (59%).
Source: http://www.etn.fi/index.php/13-news/6505-konesali-valitaan-turvallisuuden-perusteella
Tomi Engdahl says:
the least unemployed in the IT qualification sector, the sector would need more than 1,000 people
Researchers at the University of Jyväskylä faculty faced the employment opportunities offered by the IT sector. According to a four-year review, the number of jobseekers in the IT sector has been declining for more than a year.
“In the IT area there is a shortage of 7,000 university IT experts. The sector needed 8,000 university degree degrees in the field across the country. Job seekers are just under 1000, and the number is falling rapidly in the provinces where economic development has been the fastest, “Neittaanmäki says.
In the IT sector The employment situation is improving. Taking into account all levels of education, unemployment in the IT sector has fallen throughout the country by 3.3 per cent since May 2016. Unemployment has fallen, especially for university graduates, a total of 13 percent.
17 per cent of the lowest graduates in the higher education sector were unemployed, 46 per cent of upper secondary school graduates and 26 per cent of the Bachelor and Graduate students. Only nine percent of university graduates were unemployed.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/it-ala-tuo-tyoturvaa-it-tutkinnon-suorittaneissa-vahiten-tyottomia-ala-tarvitsisi-tuhansia-osaajia-lisaa-6662150
Tomi Engdahl says:
The software industry has a record number of jobs in Finland
In Finland, software work is available in relation to more than in other European countries.
According to Eurostat’s recent statistics, 6.6% of the workforce is employed in the ICT sector in Finland. In other European countries, the average is 3.7 per cent.
About Janne Kalliola, President of the Code of Finland Association, writes in Aamulehti. The association is an association founded by Finnish software companies.
According to Kalliola, the industry’s first problem is recruiting. It is difficult for the sector to find a labor force in all European countries.
Over the past year, recruitment problems in Finland suffered more than every other company in the industry.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/ohjelmistoalalla-ennatysmaara-tyota-suomessa-6668413
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sipoo digi up high: get rid of all paper forms
The municipality of Sipoo is considering a new service for the residents of the municipality, which would replace everything that had previously been handled in paper letters. The solution solution at the design stage goes under the name “KuntaÄly” (“Municipal Security”).
Sipoo invites interested parties in the implementation of the system solution to enroll in the market dialogue. The aim is to find out what kind of solutions the market offers and how much the project could cost.
It is also intended to speed up the service by automating the decision process so that, as far as possible, decisions can be taken immediately, or at least, when the decision is made. The workload of municipal employees could be passed on to genuinely discretionary issues.
Decisions to launch a potential procurement process will only be made after a technical dialogue, when its results have been time to reflect.
Source: http://www.tivi.fi/Kaikki_uutiset/sipoon-digitahtain-korkealla-eroon-kaikista-paperilomakkeista-6668577
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finnish production rises
According to Statistics Finland, industrial output grew by 1.3% in June from the year before. The best growth in the electrical and electronics industry – more than nine percent. New orders for the manufacturing industry grew steadily.
Industrial output grew in addition to the electrical and electronics industry, and in June, the chemical industry grew by 4.6 per cent year-on-year. Production in the metal industry increased by 3 per cent and in the forest industry by 1.7 per cent. The largest decrease in mining production was 18.3 percent.
The total working day adjusted production in the industry grew by 2.3 per cent in January-June.
The rise in Finnish production will continue to grow, as new orders in industry rose by 11.9 per cent from the year before. In January-June, orders grew by 20.0 per cent year-on-year.
Source: https://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2017/08/11/suomalainen-tuotanto-nousee/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Finnish teachers do not like coding
Finnish teachers’ attitudes to teaching digital skills are worse than in China. In particular, attitudes towards the teaching of coding skills are significantly more negative than China, it is clear from a new comparative study.
The joint research project carried out by the University of Pori studied the differences between the attitudes of elementary school teachers to the teaching of future IT and working life skills between Finland and China, especially with regard to coding.
There were hardly any differences in the programming skills of Finnish and Chinese teachers – in both countries teachers’ programming skills were on average fairly low. In addition, some of the teachers expressed the coding as being a completely strange area.
“This is the challenge of the Finnish school system, which must be reacted quickly”, says Multisilta .
According to the study, Chinese teachers are more positive about technology turnout and experienced IT skills to benefit students both in teaching and later in working life. In addition, the attitudes of Chinese teachers to teaching prospective students as part of primary school education are more positive than Finnish teachers.
Source: https://www.uusiteknologia.fi/2017/08/31/suomalaisopettajat-eivat-tykkaa-koodaamisesta/
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
“Slush on valttikortti” – 7000 ohjelmistokehittäjää saisi Suomesta töitä, määrä kasvaa lähivuosina
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jokaiselle ohjelmistokehittäjälle on tällä hetkellä noin 39 avointa työpaikkaa, joten työpaikoista ei ole pulaa. Tänä kovan kysynnän aikana koodarin haasteena on löytää paikka, jossa oikeasti viihtyy ja jonne menisi, vaikka olisi voittanut 20 miltsiä lotossa. Paikka, jossa työkavereista tulee parhaita kavereitasi, pääset oppimaan ja kehittymään, ja missä työpanostasi arvostetaan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says: