Christmas gift tips

Christmas coming and different web publications give tips what to buy. Here are links to some high-tech gift ideas articles:

11 Holiday Gift Ideas for IT Executives: The holidays are here and if you are still shopping for gifts for the tech pro in your life (or maybe you’re making your own Christmas wish list), these products are as practical are they are cool.

The Geek’s Guide to the Coolest 2013 Holiday Gifts: hope this list helps you impress your favorite people.

Ten top tech toys to interface with a techie’s Christmas stocking: Gifts for the geek in your life – and that means YOU. The list starts with Adafruit Trinket.

Christmas isn’t just a time for celebration – for some people it’s also a time for bitter, tearful reflection on the things that might have been and the gifts you’d have received if only you worked harder at that paper round, or your parents loved you enough. Ghosts of Christmas Past: Ten tech treats from yesteryear article looks years back for kits we wanted but Santa never brought.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Excise Xmas prezzie indecision MISERY with El Reg’s gift guide²
    What the heck am I going to get for Auntie Flo? What a brilliant idea, Register!

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    High-tech fashion: 9 fully functional tech gifts you can wear


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