Cheap Arduino Nano Review

I found a very cheap Arduino Nano board from Bang good web shop. I consider 5.34 Euros very cheap price for Arduino Nano, usually those cost $10 or even considerably more. Gravitech lists on it’s web page price to be $34.99. I wonder how this board can get this be built and delivered from other side of the world to me for few Euros. The Atmel ATMEGA328, FTDI USB interface chip, circuit board, USB cable and posting must cost some money. Anyway the board got successfully delivered to me in few weeks and worked well.


The Arduino Nano 3.0 is a small, complete, and breadboard-friendly board with more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove. It has more or less the same functionality of the Arduino Duemilanove (ATMEGA328 @ 16 MHz, FTDI USB), but in a different package. The form factor is pretty similar to Teensy. The form factor is very suitable for breadboard and to be integrated inside devices, but the downside is that you can’t plug it to normal Arduino shields. Solutions to this problem are to design your own Nano Shields or use an adapter circuit board to connect to Arduino Shields. Arduino Nano is best applications where you don’t need to use normal Arduino shields. Arduino Nano is ideal Arduino to be fitted to a prototyping breadboard.


The Nano was designed and is being produced by Gravitech.The board I got claims to be manufactured by Gravitech, but I am not completely sure if it is really manufactured by original manufacturer or if this is a cheap Chinese copy.



The Arduino Nano can be programmed with the Arduino software: “Arduino Duemilanove or Nano w/ ATmega328” from the Tools > Board menu. For details, see the reference and tutorials. I tested the board operation by loading in Standard Firmata software and controlling it with Firmata Test Program.

The Arduino Nano has Mini-B USB connector for connection to PC.  The board I received came with suitable USB cable to connect to PC. The Arduino Nano can be powered via the mini-B USB connection, 6-20V (7-12V recommended) unregulated external power supply (pin 30), or 5V regulated external power supply (pin 27). The power source is automatically selected to the highest voltage source. In my testing USB connection provided power to the board. The

This very cheap Arduino Nano board from Bang good web shop did what it promised well. The quality was good and everything worked as expected. It was well worth of the low price (5.34 Euros) paid. I don’t think you can’t get much cheaper than that. If you don’t need USB connectivity, then check also this ATMEGA328 328p 5V 16MHz Arduino-Compatible Nano Size Module Board.


  1. Ion says:


    i want to do this little project, you can see the PCB here
    It uses an Arduino Nano board. Do you thing that i can use this cheap one? The original board is too expensive for me right now.

    • Tomi Engdahl says:

      I quess that the cheap Nano would work here as well as the original one.
      The cheap board uses to my knowledge pretty much the same components and design as the original one
      (some cheap versons use different USB-serial chip than original but that should only affect the USB communications
      when the board is connected to PC, would need different drivers…)

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