Cool uses for Arduino

There are very many cool Arduino projects and project sites in Internet (make Google search to see). Here are some interesting links to check out:
Arduino Projects at indestructables

Arduino user projects

Arduino Project Ideas

Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web

Arduino Rising: 10 Amazing Projects People Are Doing With The Tiny Microcontroller

Electronics For The Everyman: 25 Kick Ass Arduino-Powered Projects

10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make With Arduino


Codeduino projects

Internet of Thing with Arduino

11 Arduino projects that require major hacking skills—or a bit of insanity

I will be posting more links to more interesting projects as comments to this post, like I did in my Cool uses for the Raspberry Pi posting. Some of the most interesting that spend some more time at can get their entire own postings this blog in Arduino section.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Check out this demo from Dominic Pajak! Visualize your Nano 33 BLE Sense’s sensor data in real-time on a web (Chrome only) dashboard:

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OpenBot turns $50 worth of hardware and your phone into a mobile robot that can support “advanced robotics workloads such as person following and real-time autonomous navigation in unstructured environments.”

    (via IEEE Spectrum)

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Precision Metal Detector Finds Needles In Haystacks

    Full-size metal detectors are great for narrowing down a region to start digging through. But what if you had a smaller metal detector that could pinpoint the location? Then you could spend far less time digging and way more time sweeping for metal.

    Metal detectors work because of the way metal behaves around electromagnetic fields. [mircemk] reused the ferrite core from an old MW radio to build the antenna coils. When metal objects are close enough, the induced electromagnetism changes the frequency, and the Arduino blinks an LED and beeps a buzzer in time with the new frequency.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Blokdots is a block-based programming tool that allows anyone to build interactive Arduino prototypes without writing a line of code.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Create an LED Coffee Table That Reacts to Whatever’s Placed On It
    This Arduino-controlled piece of furniture required a massive amount of soldering!

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arduino Plant Water Management System w/ BME280

    Track the total volume of water spent and evaluate approx. evaporation rates by temperature, humidity, and pressure to prevent water overuse

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Inspired by Roald Dahl’s Sound Machine, this Arduino device lets you hear the screams and giggles of your houseplant.

    The Klausner Machine :: hear your plants © CC BY

    Second approach to replicate The Sound Machine, a fictional device mentioned in Roald Dahl’s fiction.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Minimal metal detector made with an Arduino and a coil of wire

    For an easy DIY metal detector setup, look no further than this project by creator “rgco.”

    The handheld device uses a 20-60 turn coil of 26AWG enameled wire, connected across an Arduino Uno or Nano’s pins 8 and 10. A series of pulses is continuously sent out by pin 10, which are delayed in reaching pin 8 according to the inductance across the coil. As this coil approaches other metallic objects, the effective inductance changes, thus varying the delay in the signal reaching pin 10.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The cybersecurity company Trustwave said the hacker was offering 186 million U.S. voter records and 245 million records of other personal data.

    Automotive Engine Rev-Limiter © LGPL

    Easy implementation of Rev-limiter for Automotive or Motorcycle Engine.

    This project is about automotive engines and how with a bit of elbow grease and a lot of passion you can use an arduino to protect its vital components. An old engine usually does not have a built-in rev-limiter and if you drive it hard enough bad things can happen! Especially an old project car with sentimental value needs to be protected!

    The implementation of the electronically controlled and programmable rev-limiter is pretty simple, cheapest than anything aftermarket you can possibly find and lastly it is a very robust design.

    The project uses an inductive sensor that measures the rotational speed of the engine. The data from the sensor are fed to the Arduino Nano and if the rotational speed threshold is exceeded the pin that controls the Mosfet becomes ‘HIGH’ which turns off the relay thus stopping the engine. When the RPMs drop back below the preset threshold the relay is turned on and the cycle repeats.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Create a MIDI continuous controller/keyboard with capacitive sensing and Arduino.

    Arduino: Continuous MIDI Controller / Keyboard © CC BY-NC

    This expression keyboard opens possibilities of playing continuous notes.

    In this tutorial Making a Continuous type MIDI controller / keyboard is explained. A very simple concept of capacitive sensing is used along with MIDI communication and sound synthesizer software.

    Playing continuous notes are very much an integral part of Hindustani music. There is a various expression that required to play such type of notes. There are instruments like Violin, Sitar, or Flute that is capable of doing so. A typical keyboard can only play discrete notes, while In a high-end keyboard a pitch bend wheel is provided that can bend the note to typically 2 semitones on the positive or negative side (this value is adjustable but setting it very high may make difficult to use it with accuracy). This is not a very intuitive way of playing music. There is a various keyboard available in the market like Haken Continuum Board, ROLI seaboard. These are a capable instrument that can do the job really well.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Bubble Logger SPINDEL is a Nano 33 BLE-based floating hydrometer for monitoring the beer fermentation process.

    Bubble Logger SPINDEL + CONNECT

    The “Bubble-Logger SPIEDEL” is an Arduino based floating hydrometer there monitor your fermentation for beer making.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hands-On with the New ATMegaZero
    Getting to know the Raspberry Pi Zero form factor Arduino hybrid.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Compact Solar-Powered ATmega328P Wireless Sensor Node Stores Its Energy in a Simple Supercapacitor

    A simple 1F supercapacitor proves good enough to run the sensor for 42 hours, and can be easily charged from a 5.5V solar panel.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LED Matrix Metronome © MIT
    Combine Arduino, an 8*8 bicolour LED matrix and a piezo buzzer to make a cool visual metronome.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arduino Plant Water Management System w/ BME280 © CC BY
    Track the total volume of water spent and evaluate approx. evaporation rates by temperature, humidity, and pressure to prevent water overuse

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arduino – Electromagnetic Lock

    The electromagnetic lock (EM lock) is widely used to lock the door. It is usually used with switch, fingerprint reader, RFID/NFC reader, keypad, or application on PC/mobille to control access to door, buiding gate … The electromagnetic lock is also known as magnetic lock, or maglock.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Text Teleporter © GPL3+
    Using Arduino, I show you how to copy text from one device and paste it in another device via Bluetooth, be it a smartphone or a laptop.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    S.H.I.E.L.D. yourself from unwanted mic and camera access

    If you haven’t heard, a lot of us are working from home these days, making mic and camera discipline more important than ever. To help avoid unwanted recording, Tovi Levis created the S.H.I.E.L.D. device, which stands for Software and Hardware for Invisible Eavesdroppers and Lurkers Detection.

    This amply-named project uses an Arduino Uno to control a pair of WS2812B lights mounted to the top of your computer monitor. Lights shine through acrylic icons of a microphone and camera, with red indicating “on” and green for “off” and safe. There is also a buzzer to note status changes.

    The S.H.I.E.L.D. communicates with the host PC over USB, which runs a companion monitoring app that can be used independently as well.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mute Button for MS Teams © TAPR-OHL
    No more fumbling for the mute when you need to speak. Just hit the button!

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Thomas Knutsen’s SAM D21-Powered Thermocouple Meter and Data Logger Tracks Up to Four Inputs
    Made for use with a freezer converted into an Arduino-powered thermal testing chamber, the dual-board design includes an OLED panel.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Custom “Neon” Pub Sign
    This Arduino-controlled, LED-based sign is fashioned to look like an old-school neon display.

    As cool as they are old-school neon signs, which require a rather large amount of voltage to operate and specialized skill to shape, seem to be going the way of the dinosaur. However, although they might not have the exact sort of glow as neon, there is an LED equivalent. As spotted on Reddit, they were used to build a S-A-L-O-O-N sign with an animated cowgirl for display at a pub.

    The project write-up goes over construction of this sign in some detail, with a few tips that should be helpful for anyone that wants to make something similar.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Fabricate flexible electronics directly on your skin with the BodyPrinter

    What if you could print circuit “tattoos” right on your body? While the idea of augmentation with a pre-assembled electronic sticker isn’t new, the technique proposed by a team of KAIST and MIT Media Lab researchers takes things to a new level.

    Their small BodyPrinter device — composed of a custom 3D-printed plotter with a movable head and a mounted extruder — can be strapped directly to multiple body parts, including fingers, arms, back, stomach, forehead, neck, laps and shoulders. After a little calibration, it deposits conductive ink on a “liquid bandage” substrate that’s already attached directly to a subject’s skin.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The BodyPrinter Prints Circuits Directly Onto Your Body
    Researchers have created a machine that extrudes flexible electronics on a person’s skin using conductive ink.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    LEET Is a Modular Synth You Can Build for $6
    Johan Von Konow’s open source, 3D-printable MIDI device is inexpensive to make and widely compatible.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A DIY Remote-Controlled Rescue Robot with Arduino and Lego © GPL3+
    Make a teleoperated rescue robot out of Lego Technic, Arduino boards, off-the-shelf DC and servo motors, and NRF communication modules.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Arduino – Temperature Humidity Sensor

    In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to read temperature and humidity value from DHT11 or DHT22 sensors

    DHT11 and DHT22 are sensors that we can use to measure temperature and humidity.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:


    The BMP180 is a new generation digital barometric pressure and temperature sensor from Bosch Sensortec. In this tutorial, we will briefly review this device and describe how to interface it with an Arduino Uno board for measuring the surrounding temperature and pressure. We will also discuss about retrieving the sensor altitude from its pressure readings.

    Bosch Sensortag’s BMP180 is an ultra low-power digital temperature and pressure sensor with high accuracy and stability. It consists of a piezo-resistive sensor, an analog to digital converter and a control unit with EEPROM and a serial I2C interface. The raw measurements of pressure and temperature from the BMP180 sensor has to be compensated for temperature effects and other parameters using the calibration data saved into the EEPROM. In this tutorial, we will use an Arduino board to read the temperature and barometric pressure measurements from the BMP180 sensor and display the data on an 1.44″ ILI9163-based TFT display. If you would like to repeat this experiment, you will need the following things.

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How Many Types of Sensors In 2020

    We live in a World of Sensors. You can discover various types of sensors in our homes, workplaces, vehicles, and so on. Attempting to make our lives simpler by turning on the lights by recognizing our presence, controlling room temperature, identify smoke or fire, automatic door opener, and numerous different tasks. All these automation tasks are conceivable due to sensors.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Make Eating Robot With Arduino Nano | Gold Screw © Apache-2.0

    Today I will show you how to make eating robot with Arduino Nano. This project I made for my daughter. It’s very easy with cheap materials.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Use an Arduino to Make a Simple 3D-Printed Level

    Digital levels can make your life a lot easier, and this video explains how you can use an Arduino and 3D printer to make your own.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Unable to find or afford an Elgato Stream Deck? You’re in luck. Super Make Something shows how to create your own Arduino-based alternative:

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Use This One Simple Trick to Smooth Large Fonts on Graphics Displays
    Technique to scale up large fonts and smooth them over uses a simple function that fills angled areas in empty blocks of the font pattern.


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