There are very many cool Arduino projects and project sites in Internet (make Google search to see). Here are some interesting links to check out:
Arduino Projects at indestructables
Top 40 Arduino Projects of the Web
Arduino Rising: 10 Amazing Projects People Are Doing With The Tiny Microcontroller
Electronics For The Everyman: 25 Kick Ass Arduino-Powered Projects
10 Simple-But-Fun Projects to Make With Arduino
Internet of Thing with Arduino
11 Arduino projects that require major hacking skills—or a bit of insanity
I will be posting more links to more interesting projects as comments to this post, like I did in my Cool uses for the Raspberry Pi posting. Some of the most interesting that spend some more time at can get their entire own postings this blog in Arduino section.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Baldcorder Boldly Goes Where No Tricorder Project Has Gone Before
More than a prop, this one can make measurements.
At the heart of the project is an Arduino MKR ZERO. These Microchip SAM D21-based boards come in a slim breadboard-friendly form factor. They also contain a LiPo battery charging circuit, making them perfect for a portable application. Two often overlooked capabilities of the SAM D21 are its ability to make sounds and built-in capacitive touch.
The Baldcorder streams a WAV file from a microSD card through the SAM D21′s digital-to-analog converter (DAC) to output a tricorder scanning sound effect.
Tomi Engdahl says:
RoamBot is an Arduino-powered robot that, well, roams…
Tomi Engdahl says:
This tutorial helps you get started using the OpenMV IDE to develop MicroPython scripts that can run on the Portenta, plus shows how to configure the Portenta Vision Shield’s camera for machine vision applications.
Blob Detection with Portenta and OpenMV
This tutorial will show you how to use the vision carrier board for Portenta to detect the presence and the position of objects in a camera image.
Tomi Engdahl says:
LPG Detector using Arduino mini project….full detail and code
Tomi Engdahl says:
DIY 1kW Arduino MPPT Solar Charge Controller (WiFi ESP32)
Build a 1kW 80V 35A WiFi MPPT Solar Charge Controller, equipped with phone app datalogging telemetry! The design has been intensively tested for months with a 8S 24V LiFePO4, 640W off-grid setup. The project is completely open source. Arduino ESP32 based and uses a truly Synchronous Buck MPPT design. It works with all battery chemistries up to 50V (6V/12V/36V/48V) and solar panel setups with a Voc up to 80V (Imp: 30A). You can modify this for 150V solar setups, more on that on the written tutorial!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Dual Axis Solar Tracker using Arduino… Full detail and code
Tomi Engdahl says:
Growing up, Krish Kalla brought his LEGO trains to life with LEGO Power Functions. Now, he’s using a custom Nano 33 IoT-based setup and the Arduino Cloud to change the speed, direction and interior lighting wirelessly.
Arduino IoT Train © GPL3+
An IoT controlled LEGO Tram that can move forward and backwards, and also has individually controllable LED channels.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This DIY sonar system uses a pair of ultrasonic sensors to scan the an 360° space.
360° Arduino Radar with 2xHC-SR04 Sensors © GPL3+
In this case, it is interesting that are used two sensors to scan the entire 360-degree space.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Automatic Railway Gate Control Using Arduino and IR Sensor……. Full detail and code
Tomi Engdahl says:
Final Year project for ECE- Sign Language Translator project
For example, if any person who can not speak and he want to drink the water he will not able to say this to another person but with this glove, he has to bend his finger only and the other person can easily read the sentence into the LCD attached in the project. we have more projects like that from these Smart irrigation using Arduino is one of the best.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Distance Measure with Ultrasonic Sensor ….full detail and code click the link below
Tomi Engdahl says:
Automate new heat pumps or repair older systems with this Arduino-powered controller.
Valden Heat Pump Controller © CC BY-SA
The Valden HeatPump controller is an open source platform to precisely control heat pumps. Automation of newly built HPs, old systems repair
The Valden Heat Pump controller is an open source platform to precisely control heat pumps. This controller can be used for the automation of newly built Heat Pumps (HPs), as a repair controller for old systems or as control system for performing experiments on refrigeration equipment.
Further details, appendices, fine-tuning options, illustrations, abbreviations, and so on you can find in the permanent repository:
control via remote display or local Serial (UART 5V).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Smart stick using Arduino GPS and GSM module
Tomi Engdahl says:
This camera module uses a Portenta H7 and Portenta Vision Shield to give existing sewer inspection robotic systems AI capabilities for identifying faults in a pipeline.
TinySewer is a Portenta-powered camera module for sewer faults detection
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Self Balancing Robot Needs A Little Work
A self-balancing robot isn’t a new idea, but we liked the aesthetics of [Maker ATOM’s] build. The use of a breadboard and a printed bracket looks good, as you can see in the video, below.
Like most first-time projects, though, there were some lessons learned. The power supply needs a little work and the range of balance compliance didn’t meet expectations. But those problems are soluble and, as usual, you often learn more from working through issues like these.
The heart of the system is an MPU6050 which provides a gyroscope and accelerometer along with fusion capability onboard. The availability of libraries for the sensor and the PID controller makes the project pretty simple to finish.
The Breadboarded Self Balancing Robot
Being a Robotics enthusiast I always wanted to build a Self Balancing Robot but never build untill now.
Self Balancing Robots are not a new thing to the world, what makes this build different from other Self Balancing Robots is the compact design and modularity of the build. The robot can be build by just plugging in various modules and can be assembled in a matter of minutes.
So let’s build one.
Micro-controller board which we will use to control the motors, sense the angle of tilt and to implement PID algorithm will be Arduino Nano. The processing power of atemga328 (the micro-controller around which Arduino Nano is developed) is just enough and its all pins are breadboard compatible.
Motion tracking Device
To measure the tilt angle we will use MPU6050 a motion tracking device which has 3 axis accelerometer and 3 axis gyroscope and will use a complimentary filter to combine measurements from accelerometer and gyroscope to get noise free and stable angle values.
Motors used for this build will be 12V 300RPM N20 micro gear motors with compatible wheels and mounting brackets.
Motor Driver
To drive the motors we will be using L293d motor driver. This driver has two full H-bridge driver in a single DIP-package perfect for our application.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Take on TICO the robot in a game of tic-tac-toe!
TICO – Open Source Tic-Tac-Toe Arduino Robot © GPL3+
This is an Arduino-powered Tic-Tac-Toe robot, which will provide you an excellent game experience.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This DIY Remote Can Be Used for Any RC Device with an nRF Module
The remote was initially designed for the NovaSM3 robotic dog and features a pair of OLED displays, joysticks, pushbuttons, and more.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intelligent Post Box Uses Arduino
The SmartPostBox Project
Wouldn’t it be fun to get an email notification when your mail arrives in your post box? In this article, Andrei steps you through the details of building his ArduinoSmartPostBox project. This system is a smart post box implementation that uses a laser, a photoresistor and IoT technology to turn a regular post box into an intelligent post box that notifies you via email whenever you get mail.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino… full detail and code click the link
Tomi Engdahl says:
Meet The Marvelous Macro Music Maker
Do you kind of want a macropad, but aren’t sure that you would use it? Hackaday alum [Jeremy Cook] is now making and selling the JC Pro Macro on Tindie, which is exactly what it sounds like — a Pro Micro-based macro keypad with an OLED screen and a rotary encoder. In the video below, [Jeremy] shows how he made it into a music maker by adding a speaker and a small solenoid that does percussion, all while retaining the original macro pad functionality.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Heart Rate Monitor System using Arduino.. full detail and code
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Game Console © GPL3+
Simple Hardware Platform- Lots of fun games – Tic-Tac-Toe, Dots & Boxes, and Simon
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Color detection with Arduino …. Full detail and code click the link
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
“Mechanical” VU Meter © GPL3+
A simple VU meter realized with only mechanical typical items, as screws or nuts, but powered by Arduino!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Building an Automatic Bottling Line Using an Arduino Nano
Bottle many things at once automatically with this Arduino-based system.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mechanical Macro Masher Makes Music
Macro keyboard features GPIO breakouts that are used here for tone and percussion.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Handy machine cuts heat shrink tubing to length
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sababox is an easy-to-use remote for the elderly
Modern television remote controls have a massive number of buttons compared to their more primitive predecessors, and because of this, seniors can struggle with knowing which button to press and when as well as having difficulties seeing the small text. This problem inspired Instructables user omerrv to create a device that he calls the Sababox, which contains just a few large, easily-pressable buttons for simple use.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Smart cap using Arduino…… Full detail and code
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Greatscott’s volume adjuster acts as an IR remote control to automatically normalize speech and music segments.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google Japan Creates Working Version of Its Gboard Teacup
Prevent spilling our drink on your keyboard by turning your teacup into the keyboard itself!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Duco is an open source, Arduino-controlled robotic system that’s capable of drawing multi-layer circuits on vertical everyday surfaces.
Duco is a wall-climbing robot that paints circuit murals
Tomi Engdahl says:
Program ATtiny85 Microcontroller Using USB And Digispark Bootloader
Project link:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Instantly test your cables by plugging them into this device
Cables come in a wide variety of styles and attempting to diagnose a potential fault in one of their tiny wires can be tricky, especially without access to fancy test equipment. To combat this problem, TechKiwiGadgets created a small device called the Touch Screen Cable Tracer, which has several varieties of connectors on both ends that allow for a USB and RJ45 cable to be plugged in and subsequently tested.
The board selected for this project was an Arduino Mega due to its large amount of RAM and GPIO pins. Placed on top of this was an ILI9325 2.8” TFT screen, which shows the menu for the cable tracing device and the current state of the attached cable.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Dial A For Arduino
A lot of phrases surrounding phones don’t make sense anymore. With a modern cellphone, you don’t really “hang up” and there’s certainly no “dial” to be had. However, with [jakeofalltrades’] project, you can read an old-fashioned phone dial using an Arduino.
The idea behind a phone dial is actually pretty simple. When you pull the dial back to the stop using one of the numbered holes and release it, it causes a switch to open and close the same number of times as the hole you selected. That is, if you pull back the 5 hole, you should get 5 switch closures. The duration of each switch event and the time between switch events is a function of the speed the dial moves because of its internal spring. The zero hole actually produces ten pulses.
Rotary Dial Arduino Input
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arduino Becomes Superhet With A Little Help From Friends
Tomi Engdahl says:
REghZy’s IoT Packet System Aims to Simplify Communication Between an Arduino and a C# Application
Designed to bridge the gap between C# apps and microcontrollers, this communications system lets you write and read pins and more.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This Arduino-controlled robotic hand mirrors yours using computer vision:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Connect your space heater to the Arduino Cloud and control it via Alexa
Being able to design your own custom smart home device is a great way to both have fun experimenting with various hardware/software and to escape the walled IoT device ecosystems that so many users find themselves trapped within. One maker who goes by mrdesha came up with a smart heater solution that utilizes the new Arduino Oplà IoT Kit to provide voice functionality to their room heater.
In terms of hardware, mrdesha’s project is quite simple as it just needs a few parts to function. The main component is the MKR IoT Carrier board from the Oplà Kit, along with the MKR WiFi 1010 that fits into it.