Raspberry Pi Model B+ | Linux Voice

Information on new improved version of Raspberry Pi model B



  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Introducing The Raspberry Pi B+

    sme lucky soul just received an unreleased model of Raspberry Pi

    From the looks of it, this new board features four USB ports, a new, 40-pin GPIO header, and more screw holes that will allow you to secure this to anything. The analog video out is gone, and the SD card connector – a weak point of the original design – might be replaced with a microSD connector. Oh, every Raspi case that has ever been made? They won’t work.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Final evolution” of original Raspberry Pi gains micro-SD and lower power consumption

    The Raspberry Pi Model B+ is different enough to warrant new cases, and has valuable new features, but the processor and RAM are the same as the Model B. The price remains the same too, at $35.

    The changes are mostly in the connector layout, meaning cases for the existing Model B may not be compatible. A couple parts and kits also won’t work anymore with the new design, such as the Wolfson audio card and the Adafruit Cobbler prototyping kit (at least, not out of the box).

    Apart from the changes listed above, it uses the same 700MHz processor and also has half a gig of RAM. However, because “industrial customers” might still want to continue with the Model B layout, production of that model will continue “for as long as there’s demand for it.”

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Raspberry Pi Model B+ Is Here (Again!)

    Depending on who you believe, yesterday someone either broke an NDA or was the lucky recipient of an Element 14 shipping error. Nevertheless, we were lucky enough to get a glimpse at the new Raspberry Pi Model B+. Today, everything is live, and Adafruit has a great teardown of what’s new, what’s changed, and what’s completely different in this new board.

    This is the same 700 MHz Broadcom chip with 512MB of RAM.

    Despite not having an upgraded CPU, there are some neat features that addressed the complaints of the original Pi: The standard sized SD card socket is replaced with a microSD card socket that won’t stick out over the edge of the board. The ports are rearranged, with the analog video out on a TRRS plug with the audio. There are now four USB ports and an Ethernet port
    and mounting holes galore: they’re M2.5 holes in a square 58mm wide and 49mm high. Also included in the B+ is a completely redesigned power supply – the jumbo linear regulator is gone

    The biggest change for anyone looking making a project with the Pi is the expanded GPIO header. This is a 40 pin header, with the ‘top’ pins identical to the original 26 pin header. Yes, all your existing Pi plates/shields/whatevers will still work.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:


    Yep, that’s right, the fantastic engineers at Raspberry Pi HQ have blessed us with a new design. They’ve taken all the feedback over the last 3 years and rolled out a nice updated Pi with many fixes and extras…all at the same price!

    What does/doesn’t work anymore

    Just about all our Pi plates work fine

    You may need a new Kernel/Firmware
    Without new kernel/firmware, the USB/Ethernet chip doesn’t work

    Even though the ‘top 26 pins’ are still compatible pinouts, IDC cables have a bit of a thicker part and the ends, so it will bump into the #27 and #28′th pins when you try to plug it in.

    Wolfson Audio Card & Other I2S (not I2C) Devices

    We don’t know of any old Model B enclosures that still work. Since the ports have switched around, and the mounting holes moved

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi B+: PHWOAR, get a load of those pins
    More USB ports than your laptop? You’d better believe it…

    Review You might think that as a purveyor of a nifty compact computer selling in the millions, you’d consider two years after the debut of your first offering that it was high time you tempted back the buyers with a go-faster, more capacious and shinier model. Heck, Apple and others don’t even wait that long: they upgrade products year in, year out.

    Not so for the Raspberry Pi Foundation, for whom such compressed upgrade cycles are vulgarly short. The very first Raspberry Pi Model B micros slipped out early in 2012, and just over two-and-a-half years later, we have the follow-up, the Model B+ – and it isn’t even an upgrade in the modern sense of the word.

    It is a better device, but it has been given an old-style upgrade of the kind made back when the word meant a small incremental improvement and didn’t refer to an almost entirely new product that just happens to sport the same name as its predecessor.

    The B+ is simply a redesigned version of the original – the Foundation calls it an “evolution” of the original Pi, and dubs it “Revision 3″ of the B – rather than an updated version.

    So what has changed? From a compute perspective, not a jot. The B+ runs no more quickly and has no extra memory than the B has.

    Gone, then, is the flaky, latch-less SD card reader, replaced by a Micro SD slot that is spring-loaded to prevent the inadvertent card removals that fritzed so many Model A and Model B users’ installed operating systems.

    The Model A Pi’s single USB port was next to useless; the B had two
    The B+ has four USB ports, more than my laptop

    The B+ sports improved power regulation circuitry: out goes the old wasteful linear regulator, in comes an much more efficient switching regulator.

    Gone are the separate RCA composite-video and 3.5mm audio ports, both replaced by a single 3.5mm port that handles both sound and vision.

    extra GPIO too

    The layout changes will mess many of these up – my PiFace, for instance – requiring either the use of a GPIO extension cable, a 26-pin GPIO raiser, or the purchase of a new, updated add-on.
    For the same reason, existing Pi cases will not work with the new model.

    status LEDs have been reduced to two: power and disk activity.

    There are broader improvements to the GPIO that make all this case business irrelevant. Two of the pins are intended for I2C EEPROM connectivity, but the Foundation will be using them for add-on board interrogation, part of a new spec it’s calling HAT (Hardware Attached on Top).

    It’s the Pi answer to Arduino’s shield system, and defines a standard schema for implementing Pi-friendly cards. The specification includes auto-configuration and automatic driver setup, and aligned mounting holes to boards can be bolted to the host Pi.

    The B+ is unquestionably a better Pi than its predecessor.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi Gets VGA, Dual Screen Support

    The Broadcom SOC in the Raspberry Pi is actually surprisingly powerful

    [Gert van Loo], Raspberry Pi chip architect, wizard, and creator of a number of interesting expansion boards showed off a VGA adapter for the new B+ model at the recent Raspberry Pi Jam in Cambridge this week. Apparently, there is a parallel interface on the SoC that can be used to drive VGA with hardware using a resistor ladder DAC. That’s native VGA at 1080p at 60 fps in addition to HDMI for the Raspberry Pi. Only the new Model B+ has enough pins to do this, but it’s an intriguing little board.

    The prospect of having two displays for a Raspberry Pi is very interesting

    The VGA expansion board, “is likely to have issues with EMC,” which means this probably won’t be a product.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi Microcomputer Still Selling Like Hot Cakes

    The UK designed Raspberry Pi microcomputer, which has triggered all sorts of creative single board computing projects — most recently being repurposed as the heart of a DIY computer designed to help kids learn to code — continues to sell in far greater quantities than its creators ever imagined.

    Sales of low cost, open source microcomputer have now passed 3.8 million, according to the Pi Foundation. And while that pales in comparison to sales of consumer electronic devices such as smartphones, it’s a seriously impressive figure for a bare chunk of electronics, especially given the creators of Pi envisaged selling as few as 10,000 boards over its entire lifetime.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What’s Next on the Raspberry Pi Front

    Raspberry Pi founder [Eben Upton] recently sat in an uncomfortable chair in London to discuss all things Pi. Having sold about four million units over the last 2.5 years, he feels the future is bright for his original vision of inspiring and helping kids to learn programming.

    [Eben] is quite pleased with the Pi-Top, a B+ based laptop kit that’s pulling in backers left and right while completely unaffiliated with the Pi foundation. The kit includes a 13.3″ HD LCD screen, keyboard, trackpad, and an injection molded case, though you can print your own with the included STL files. Kits start at $249 without a Pi and $285 with a B+ included. Robot and home automation HATs are also available separately or bundled with the Pi-Top kit.

    The most exciting news is that the $600,000 spent on DSI connectors for those four million Raspis is about to pay off. [Eben] hopes that an official touchscreen will be available for purchase before the end of 2014 or in early 2015. He showed off a 7″ capacitive touch panel

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:


    The Raspberry Picademy is a free professional development experience for primary and secondary teachers, initially for those here in the UK.

    Over the course of two days, 24 teachers get hands-on with computing here at Pi Towers in Cambridge, and discover the many ways in which the Raspberry Pi can be used in the classroom.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mozilla hopes to challenge Raspbian as RPi OS of choice
    Project to port Firefox OS to Raspberry Pi is under way

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Using Cheap Displays With The Raspberry Pi

    The Raspberry Pi B+ has a native VGA connection. Sure, it’s hidden away in binary blobs and device trees, and you need to wire up the GPIO pins just right, but it’s possible to connect a VGA monitor to a Raspi B+ naively. For the brave, smart, or foolish, this means you can also drive raw DPI displays. [Robert] had a few of these dirt cheap displays sitting around and decided to give the entire thing a go. It worked, and he’s written down how to do it.

    Let’s add a dirt cheap screen to the Raspberry Pi B+


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