Innovation is about finding a better way of doing something. Like many of the new development buzzwords (which many of them are over-used on many business documents), the concept of innovation originates from the world of business. It refers to the generation of new products through the process of creative entrepreneurship, putting it into production, and diffusing it more widely through increased sales. Innovation can be viewed as t he application of better solutions that meet new requirements, in-articulated needs, or existing market needs. This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily available to markets, governments and society. The term innovation can be defined as something original and, as a consequence, new, that “breaks into” the market or society.
Innoveracy: Misunderstanding Innovation article points out that there is a form of ignorance which seems to be universal: the inability to understand the concept and role of innovation. The way this is exhibited is in the misuse of the term and the inability to discern the difference between novelty, creation, invention and innovation. The result is a failure to understand the causes of success and failure in business and hence the conditions that lead to economic growth. The definition of innovation is easy to find but it seems to be hard to understand. Here is a simple taxonomy of related activities that put innovation in context:
- Novelty: Something new
- Creation: Something new and valuable
- Invention: Something new, having potential value through utility
- Innovation: Something new and uniquely useful
The taxonomy is illustrated with the following diagram.
The differences are also evident in the mechanisms that exist to protect the works: Novelties are usually not protectable, Creations are protected by copyright or trademark, Inventions can be protected for a limited time through patents (or kept secret) and Innovations can be protected through market competition but are not defensible through legal means.
Innovation is a lot of talked about nowdays as essential to businesses to do. Is innovation essential for development work? article tells that innovation has become central to the way development organisations go about their work. In November 2011, Bill Gates told the G20 that innovation was the key to development. Donors increasingly stress innovation as a key condition for funding, and many civil society organisations emphasise that innovation is central to the work they do.
Some innovation ideas are pretty simple, and some are much more complicated and even sound crazy when heard first. The is place for crazy sounding ideas: venture capitalists are gravely concerned that the tech startups they’re investing in just aren’t crazy enough:
Not all development problems require new solutions, sometimes you just need to use old things in a slightly new way. Development innovations may involve devising technology (such as a nanotech water treatment kit), creating a new approach (such as microfinance), finding a better way of delivering public services (such as one-stop egovernment service centres), identifying ways of working with communities (such as participation), or generating a management technique (such as organisation learning).
Theorists of innovation identify innovation itself as a brief moment of creativity, to be followed by the main routine work of producing and selling the innovation. When it comes to development, things are more complicated. Innovation needs to be viewed as tool, not master. Innovation is a process, not a one time event. Genuine innovation is valuable but rare.
There are many views on the innovation and innvation process. I try to collect together there some views I have found on-line. Hopefully they help you more than confuze. Managing complexity and reducing risk article has this drawing which I think pretty well describes innovation as done in product development:
8 essential practices of successful innovation from The Innovator’s Way shows essential practices in innovation process. Those practices are all integrated into a non-sequential, coherent whole and style in the person of the innovator.
In the IT work there is lots of work where a little thinking can be a source of innovation. Automating IT processes can be a huge time saver or it can fail depending on situation. XKCD comic strip Automation as illustrates this:
System integration is a critical element in project design article has an interesting project cost influence graphic. The recommendation is to involve a system integrator early in project design to help ensure high-quality projects that satisfy project requirements. Of course this article tries to market system integration services, but has also valid points to consider.
Core Contributor Loop (CTTDC) from Art Journal blog posting Blog Is The New Black tries to link inventing an idea to theory of entrepreneurship. It is essential to tune the engine by making improvements in product, marketing, code, design and operations.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Myth of the Secret Genius
From Elon Musk to Elizabeth Holmes and Donald Trump, many very rich people are effective at convincing us of a myth: they’re secretly a genius, and you’re just too dumb to understand. Are they right?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Then, there’s overconfidence and over-promising. For whatever reason, we almost never punish rich people who over-promise and under-deliver.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Even if someone time travels, they may not remember or capture it: Study
In general relativity, a closed timelike curve (CTC) is a loop in spacetime that could allow travel back in time.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jos joulupukki kävisi joka kodissa, koko maailma sulaisi laavamereksi: Joka sekunti 50 000x kaikki ydinpommit kylmästä sodasta koko päivän ajan – Tai vielä pahempaa
Jos joulupukki kävisi joka kodissa, koko maailma tuhoutuisi, vaikka pukille oletettaisiin valonnopea kiihdytys. Jos hän joutuisi käyttämään rakettia, pukki tuhoaisi miljoonien rekursiotasojen syvyisen multiversumikompleksin. Vanha huumoritarina pukista on todella rajua aliarviointia.
Tomi Engdahl says:
A Scientist Says Humans Will Go Backwards in Time Within Just 5 Years
It’ll certainly take some work.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Computer scientist and futurist Ray Kurzweil believes humanity will achieve “longevity escape velocity” in just five years.
The concept basically states that due to medical and technological advances, we will soon reach a point where our life expectancies lengthen by more than one year per year, effectively giving us time back on the clock.
This is a very controversial concept, and one that—even if possible—would require widespread access to cutting edge medical technology.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Engineers achieve quantum teleportation over active internet cables
“This is incredibly exciting because nobody thought it was possible”
What just happened? An engineering team at Northwestern University has achieved a breakthrough in quantum teleportation, demonstrating the feasibility of transmitting quantum information alongside classic internet traffic. As research advances, we could enter a new era in communication technology, where quantum and traditional networks can coexist to offer unprecedented levels of security and speed.
Engineers at Northwestern University have demonstrated quantum teleportation over a fiber optic cable already carrying Internet traffic.
“By performing a destructive measurement on two photons – one carrying a quantum state and one entangled with another photon – the quantum state is transferred onto the remaining photon, which can be very far away,” said Jordan Thomas, a Ph.D. candidate in Kumar’s laboratory and the paper’s first author. “The photon itself does not have to be sent over long distances, but its state still ends up encoded onto the distant photon.”
To validate their method, the team set up a 30-kilometer-long (18.6 miles) fiber optic cable with a photon at each end. They simultaneously transmitted quantum information and high-speed Internet traffic through the cable.
Tomi Engdahl says:
From microcircuits to quantum computers, semi-Dirac fermions could change it all.
These Particles Only Move in One Direction. Scientists Think They Could Revolutionize Computing.
From microcircuits to quantum computers, semi-Dirac fermions could change it all.
Scientists have observed a unique particle that moves easily one way, yet resists at 90 degrees.
These semi-Dirac fermions were observed using their energy signature in a topological metal.
Particles with contextual behaviors are of interest for quantum computing and superconductors.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Seemingly impossible events can happen all the time – and we do not need to reach for supernatural explanations to explain why, says mathematician Sarah Hart.
The surprising maths that explains why coincidences are so common
From repeat lightning strikes to identical lottery draws, mathematician Sarah Hart explains why incredibly unlikely events happen all the time
Tomi Engdahl says:
Occasionally, we are faced with events that seem so improbable we can’t help but feel the universe is sending us a message. As a mathematician, I know that coincidences are often far more likely to occur than we think – and this fact can have serious consequences everywhere from the science lab to lottery kiosks and the law courts.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Did someone finally see one of the —14 year old RE-uploads—— of Qualia Soup? “It could just be coincidence.” Which explains in great detail the maths and factors that go into making the most astounding coincidences very common?
Tomi Engdahl says:
We could discover a new element on the periodic table in 2025
Work is under way to produce the first atom of element 120 ever seen on Earth, and the results could be in surprisingly soon
The race to discover new chemical elements will heat up in 2025, resulting in the heaviest one so far and a new row added to the periodic table if successful.
Tomi Engdahl says:
MIT’s light-activated antiferromagnetic memory could replace today’s ferromagnets
The breakthrough could enable next-gen memory chips with improved density and durability
Scientists at MIT have achieved a groundbreaking feat by creating a unique magnetic state in a material using light. By applying lasers, they successfully switched an antiferromagnetic material into an entirely new magnetic state. This discovery holds the potential to revolutionize next-generation memory and data storage technology, paving the way for chips far more advanced than today’s standards.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
A New Method of Nuclear Fusion Is the Key to Revealing Alien Worlds, Scientists Say
If advanced civilizations are out there, here’s the breakthrough strategy that could bring them to light.
If fusion energy is a must-have for advanced civilizations, evidence of its use could help us find aliens.
A new study led by the University of Washington analyzes how deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion regime could impact the deuterium-hydrogen value of an exoplanet compared to the surrounding interstellar medium.
Upcoming space missions could possibly look for these wavelength emissions and provide compelling evidence for advanced life.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Engineers enable quantum communication over existing fiber optic cables — new research shows data transmission using quantum teleportation is possible in parallel with a classical network at specific wavelengths
By Hassam Nasir published December 21, 2024
And it does not violate the laws of physics.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Scientists Want to Define the Kilogram by Gravity—Not Electricity. They’re Onto Something.
Correctly quantifying mass is more important than you think.
Metrology, the branch of science dedicated to measurement, has created better and better systems of measurement for the kilogram based on fundamental principles rather than arbitrary chunks of metal locked in a vault.
In 2018, scientists redefined the kilogram related to the basic electromagnetic principles. But a new study suggests that something similar could be done with gravitational principles as well.
This could help scientists better test the universality of quantum effects.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Entangled Logical Qubits
Intelligence Value
The Entangled Logical Qubits (ELQ) program aims to advance the state of the science in universal fault-tolerant quantum computing (UFTQC) by demonstrating high-fidelity entanglement between error-corrected logical qubits using a modular architecture. This is an essential step towards the realization of UFTQC and its potential to greatly outperform classical computing in solving certain classes of problems, including those of interest to the Intelligence Community (IC), and to the U.S. Government as a whole.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Quantum Teleportation Becomes Reality on Active Internet Cables
Tomi Engdahl says:
Other alleged Secret Geniuses are constantly in the news these days: Elizabeth Holmes of Theranos (heading to prison); Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX (probably heading to prison); Adam Neumann of WeWork (who produced a spectacular financial collapse); and Mark Zuckerberg of Meta (who has, so far, poured $30 billion into a metaverse that looks like a PlayStation 2 game from 2001).
The Myth of the Secret Genius
From Elon Musk to Elizabeth Holmes and Donald Trump, many very rich people are effective at convincing us of a myth: they’re secretly a genius, and you’re just too dumb to understand. Are they right?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Unhappiness Among Young People Is So Widespread, It’s Altered A Universal Pattern Of Life
So long mid-life crisis; hello youth in despair
Our high school years were, many of us may have been told, the best days of our lives. But that’s no longer the case, according to a new working paper from Dartmouth University Professor David Blanchflower and colleagues – and the formerly inescapable “U curve” of well-being is now more of an uphill struggle towards happiness.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Läpimurto: Timanttiakku kestää tuhansia vuosia
Uusi äärimmäisen pitkäikäinen akku voi olla hyvä uutinen sekä sydänpotilaille että avaruustutkimukselle.
Kestävin nykyakku perustuu litiumioneihin, ja sen käyttöikä on reilut 20 vuotta.
Nyt tutkijat ovat kehittäneet akun, jonka käyttöikä lasketaan vuosituhansissa.
Keksinnön on tehnyt joukko tutkijoita Bristolin yliopistosta ja Britannian ydinenergiavirastosta. Akku perustuu hiili-14-isotoopista tehtyyn timanttiin.
Sama tutkijaryhmä teki ensimmäinen timanttiakun prototyypin jo vuonna 2016. Sen energianlähteenä oli radioaktiivinen nikkeli-63-isotooppia. Se pystyy tuottamaan sähköä satojen vuosien ajan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Suomalaistekniikka muuttaa kovan rasvan terveelliseksi – Valloittaa nyt 100 miljardin jättimarkkinaa
Perfat Technologiesin ruokainnovaatiolle voi olla käyttöä hyvin monenlaisissa elintarvikkeissa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Oleoflow revolutionizes technology to replace unhealthy and unsustainable fats in food industry
Oleoflow technology enables conversion of healthy edible oils to healthy fats that can be applied to a broad range of processed foods.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
This engine burns water instead of gasoline and runs at 90 ºC: It’s the end of electric vehicles
AVL RACETECH, the motorsport division of AVL, unveiled in 2022 a groundbreaking prototype of a hydrogen-powered internal combustion engine. This 2-liter turbocharged engine is fueled by hydrogen and incorporates advanced water injection technology, pushing the boundaries of performance to new heights. The release of the engine marked the first time AVL RACETECH designed and constructed a racing engine entirely in-house, showcasing their commitment to innovation in motorsport technology.
Unlike those traditional hydrogen engines, this engine uses only a slight lean-burn, achieving an impressive 150 kW per liter of output. This level of performance puts the 2-liter turbocharged hydrogen engine on par with today’s high-performance racing engines that are close to production models.
To achieve this power, AVL RACETECH has incorporated water injection technology into the hydrogen engine. The system injects water into the intake air which boosts pressure and cools the combustion chamber.
Engine specifics are revolutionary
Using this ground-breaking technology, the team developed a two-liter hydrogen combustion engine prototype (H₂-ICE) designed to deliver 500 Nm of torque between 3,000 and 4,000 rpm, using stoichiometric combustion. The water vapor helps increase boost pressure while cooling the combustion chamber, reducing the likelihood of pre-ignition, a common issue that can cause severe engine damage if not controlled.
While the project was conducted in 2022, adapting internal combustion engines to run on hydrogen is almost certain to continue to play a pivotal role in the future of the automobile industry by offering a cleaner alternative to traditional gasoline and diesel-powered vehicles. Hydrogen-powered internal combustion engines produce zero tailpipe emissions, significantly reducing carbon footprints and air pollution.
Tomi Engdahl says:
What happens when we stop thinking of people as people and start thinking of them as statistics? In an increasingly online world — where many interact with people online more than in real life — the subjective experience of others is being forgotten.
The internet is making us inhuman
Changing your world doesn’t mean changing the world
What happens when we stop thinking of people as people and start thinking of them as statistics? In an increasingly online world — where many interact with people online more than in real life — the subjective experience of others is being forgotten. In this piece, Nicholas Smyth argues that the internet and other modern trends have created a new, modern dysfunction. The antidote is to re-emphasise the subjective experience of others.
Here, Berkman put his finger on an important fact: the ethical significance of actions and events changes dramatically depending on which of two perspectives we take on them. In what follows, I’m going to try to convince you that this distinction—between the personal and impersonal perspectives—is both central to ethical life and crucial for understanding a distinctively modern form of dysfunction.
In ascending to a more impersonal perspective, it is always you doing the climbing, and you bring your own personal history and psychology up that hill. There is no such thing as purely impersonal ethical thinking.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Stretchable, Flexible, Recyclable: Princeton Scientists Develop Fantastic New Material
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Oleoflow technology enables conversion of healthy edible oils to healthy fats that can be applied to a broad range of processed foods.
Tomi Engdahl says:
“Jokelan mukaan arki on täynnä arvioimista ja päättelyä vaativia tilanteita, eli pieniä älykkyystestejä. Jo ruokaa laittaessa tulee esiin, miten hyvin pystyy päättelemään ja ratkomaan, millaisen reseptin jääkaapin aineksista saa aikaan.
– Tällaiset pienet pulmatehtävät kuormittavat enemmän, jos on alhainen älykkyys. Toisaalta tätä voi kompensoida harjoittelulla eli askareista kertyvällä kokemuksella.”
Oletko tyhmempi kuin muut? Arkinen ongelma jääkaapilla voi paljastaa vastauksen
Epäiletkö, ettet ole penaalin terävin kynä? Älykkyyden voi tunnistaa arkisissa tilanteissa, mutta tietämättömyys ei kerro älynlahjojen puutteesta.
Oletko tyhmempi kuin muut? Arkinen ongelma jääkaapilla voi paljastaa vastauksen
Epäiletkö, ettet ole penaalin terävin kynä? Älykkyyden voi tunnistaa arkisissa tilanteissa, mutta tietämättömyys ei kerro älynlahjojen puutteesta.
Luin seuraavan artikkelin ja ajattelin sen kiinnostavan sinua:
Oletko tyhmempi kuin muut? Arkinen ongelma jääkaapilla voi paljastaa vastauksen
Tietämättömyys ei ole tyhmyyden merkki, toppuuttelee älykkyyttä tutkinut psykologian professori Markus Jokela. Jos ei ole koskaan sijoittanut penniäkään, miten aiheesta voisi mitään tietääkään?
– Jos ajautuu keskusteluun, jossa muut puhuvat itselle vieraasta aiheesta, tulee herkästi tunne, että olen muita tyhmempi. Luulemme, että on kyse ymmärryksen puutteesta, vaikka todellisuudessahan on kyse muiden asiantuntijuudesta kyseisessä asiassa.
Olemme enemmän tai vähemmän tietämättömiä monista asioista, ja se on ok.
Jokela lisää, että pystymme tallentamaan mieleemme rajallisen määrän tietoa. Mihin kukin oman kapasiteettinsa käyttää, on yksilöllistä.
– Olemme eri asioiden asiantuntijoita riippuen siitä, mistä olemme kiinnostuneita ja millaisissa ystävä- ja harrastuspiireissä liikumme tai mitä teemme työksemme. Joku tuntee hyvin kasveja ja tietää, miten puutarhan saa kukoistamaan, mutta ei välttämättä osaa korjata autoja.
Bongaa älykkö!
Elämme tietoähkyistä aikaa. Avaatpa somen tai iltapäivälehden nettisivut, ruudulle rullaa uutisia, näkemyksiä ja ihmisiä, joiden pitäisi ilmeisesti olla tuttuja.
– Nykyään on aika helppoa törmätä aiheeseen, josta ei ole mitään käsitystä. Koska ihmismieli kiinnittää herkästi omiin puutteisiin huomiota, tulee tunne, että tämä kaikki pitäisi sisäistää, Jokela sanoo.
On harha, että muut ihmiset olisivat kärryillä kaikesta.
Älykäs kykenee abstraktiin ajatteluun ja ahmimaan uutta tietoa sekä yhdistelemään asioita ketterästi.
Jokelan mukaan älykäs tyyppi on helppo bongata vaikkapa juttuporukasta. Hän reagoi sujuvasti toisten kommentteihin ja vie keskustelua eteenpäin.
– Älykkäät ihmiset tekevät sujuvia johtopäätöksiä ja viittaavat vaivatta aiempiin keskusteluihin. He pysyvät koko ajan kärryillä, ja hoksottimet pelaavat nopeasti.
Jokelan mukaan teemme yleensä oikeansuuntaisia tulkintoja toistemme älykkyydestä sosiaalisissa tilanteissa. Virhetulkintojakin tehdään, esimerkiksi ulkonäöstä.
– Tyyliseikat toimivat bluffina hyvin, koska meillä on kuvitelmia, että silmälasit tai tyylikäs pukeutuminen liittyisivät jotenkin älykkyyteen.
Pienet pulmatehtävät kuormittavat enemmän, jos on alhainen älykkyys.
Sitten arkaluontoinen kysymys: onko tyhmiä ihmisiä olemassa? Jokelan mukaan on, mutta tutkijat puhuvat mieluummin alhaisesta älykkyydestä kuin tyhmyydestä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The tea bags are made from nylon-6, polypropylene, and cellulose.
“The analysis focused on tea bags made from three different materials: nylon-6, polypropylene, and cellulose.
The results were striking: polypropylene released approximately 1.2 billion particles per milliliter, with an average particle size of 136.7 nanometers.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Pahan kaksikko: Tämä yhdistelmä on haitallisin aivoille
Korkea verenpaine ja liian lyhyet yöunet ovat yhdistelmä, joka voi olla haitaksi aivoille, todetaan uudessa tutkimuksessa.
Lyhyet, alle kuuden tunnin yöunet ja korkea verenpaine voivat yhdessä kuormittaa aivojen terveyttä.
Journal of the American Heart Association-tiedelehdessä julkaistun tutkimuksen tämä yhdistelmä tarkoitti todennäköisemmin kognitiivisten kykyjen heikkenemistä: muistaminen, keskittyminen ja uuden tiedon oppiminen vaikeutuivat. Myös aivojen nopeammasta ikääntymisestä oli merkkejä.
Niillä koehenkilöillä, jotka myös nukkuivat lyhyitä yöunia, mutta joilla oli normaali verenpaine, ei ollut havaittavissa samanlaisia vaikutuksia.
Lyhyet yöunet voivat lisäksi itsessään paitsi heikentää kognitiivisia kykyjä, myös nostaa verenpainetta.
Reilun 3 vuoden kuluttua unitutkimuksen jälkeen osallistujille tehtiin kognitiiviset arvioinnit ja aivojen magneettikuvaus. Siinä huomattiin, että osallistujien itse ilmoittama unen kesto liittyi aivojen harmaan aineen määrään. Muutoksen harmaassa aineessa voivat vaikuttaa muistiin ja oppimiskykyyn.
Tiedetään, että pitkään koholla oleva verenpaine aiheuttaa muutoksia aivojen verisuonissa. Verisuonisairaudet voivat aiheuttaa muistisairautta.
Verisuoniperäinen eli vaskulaarinen dementia puhkeaa aivojen verisuonien vaurioitumisen myötä tai aiheutuu erityyppisistä aivoverenkiertohäiriöistä. Korkea verenpaine aiheuttaa noin puolet kaikista aivoverenkiertohäiriöistä.
Riittävä syvän unen määrä taas on aivojen hyvinvoinnille tärkeää muun muassa siksi, että sen aikana aivojen puhdistusjärjestelmä eli glymfaattinen kierto toimii aktiivisesti.
Tällöin Alzheimerin tautiin ja muihin muistisairauksiin liitetyn amyloidi-proteiinin poistuminen aivoista tehostuu.
Short Sleep Duration and Hypertension: A Double Hit for the Brain
Short sleep duration has been associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and dementia. Short sleep is associated with elevated blood pressure, yet the combined insult of short sleep and hypertension on brain health remains unclear. We assessed whether the association of sleep duration with cognition and vascular brain injury was moderated by hypertensive status.
Tomi Engdahl says:
AI is driving a surge in energy consumption, but tiny crystals that can toggle between light to dark, and stay there indefinitely, could be the answer.
Read more:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kvanttitekniikan läpimurto: Atomikello mullistaa puolustusteknologian
Englannissa kehitetty vallankumouksellinen kvanttitekniikkaan perustuva atomikello lupaa parantaa turvallisuutta ja tarkkuutta sotilasoperaatioissa. Puolustusministeriön salaisessa tutkimuslaitoksessa (Dstl) kehitetty kvanttitekniikkaa hyödyntävä atomikello on tarkkuudessaan täysin omaa luokkaansa.
Tämä uraauurtava kello pystyy mittaamaan aikaa niin tarkasti, että se menettää alle sekunnin miljardien vuosien aikana. Nyt tätä teknologiaa ollaan testaamassa tositoimissa, ja sen vaikutukset voivat ulottua paljon laajemmalle kuin perinteiseen navigointiin.
Uusi kvanttitekniikka tarjoaa ratkaisuja, jotka voivat muuttaa sotilasoperaatioita ja kriittisten järjestelmien toimintaa. Atomikello on suunniteltu vähentämään GPS-signaaleihin liittyviä riskejä, kuten häirintää tai tuhoamista, ja sen avulla voidaan parantaa esimerkiksi viestintäverkkojen salauksia ja tarkkuutta. Lisäksi kelloa voidaan käyttää ohjusten reittien laskemiseen ja operaatioiden ajoitusten optimoimiseen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Mullistava teknologia muuttaa hiilidioksidin ja metaanin puhtaaksi energialähteeksi
Tutkijat ovat kehittäneet menetelmän, jolla haitalliset kasvihuonekaasut voidaan muuntaa kestäväksi energiaratkaisuksi.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
New quantum sensing technology reveals sub-atomic signals
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nanogenerator uses carbon dioxide to produce electricity
A flexible, hydrogel device that exploits selective ion transport could remove CO2 from the environment, and also lower the energy cost of carbon capture.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Development of Portable Fire Exterminator Using Shock Waves
Mindanao students invent fire exterminator using sound waves
It can put out a fire in just a matter of seconds.