LEDs Bring New Light to Car-to-Car Communication – IEEE Spectrum

LEDs Bring New Light to Car-to-Car Communication – IEEE Spectrum


This is quite interesting idea. It combines tho things I have written earlier: communicating LED lamps and car electronics.

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hella Develops Communication Concept for Automated Vehicles

    In the international research project interACT, lighting and electronics company Hella KGaA (Lippstadt, Germany) is working with project partners to investigate how communication between automated vehicles and non-automated road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and other vehicle drivers could look like. The initial focus of the project lies with situations typical for urban environments and passenger cars.

    “Light plays a particularly important role in communication between people and vehicles. But today’s existing lighting systems in and around the vehicle are far from being enough to adequately replace eye contact, gestures, and language,” says Michael Kleinkes, head of lighting technology development at Hella. “Within the scope of the project, we are therefore researching and developing a system that can reliably perform this task.”

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Liikennevalot viestivät suoraan autoille: Suomessa kokeillaan jo kesällä uutta tekniikkaa
    Suvi Korhonen16.3.2023 17:31|päivitetty16.3.2023 17:31
    Ensimmäisiä pilotteja päästään kokeilemaan pian.

    Suomessa testataan ensimmäistä kertaa älykkäiden liikennevalojen ja ajoneuvojen välistä langatonta tiedonvaihtoa Euroopan laajuisilla standardeilla. Testistä vastaa Fintrafficin tieliikenteenohjaus.


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