Researchers Develop Purely Optical Cloaking

Technologies for making things invisible is always interesting. There are active and passive technologies that have been tried for this. My earlier posting Mercedes uses LEDs to create invisible car showed and active technology that used camera + huge LED display to make invisibility effect.

Yesterday I saw a new interesting passive one. Researchers Develop Purely Optical Cloaking posting at Slashdot tells that researchers at the University of Rochester have developed a remarkably effective visual cloak using a relatively simple arrangement of optical lenses. The method is unique in that it uses off-the-shelf components and provides cloaking through the visible spectrum. Bonus: The article includes instructions to build your own.

Researchers at the University of Rochester have developed a remarkably effective visual cloak using a relatively simple arrangement of optical lenses. The method is unique in that it uses off-the-shelf components and provides cloaking through the visible spectrum. Also, it works in 3-D. As one researcher put it, “This is the first device that we know of that can do three-dimensional, continuously multidirectional cloaking, which works for transmitting rays in the visible spectrum.” Bonus: The  ‘Cloaking’ device uses ordinary lenses to hide objects across range of angles article includes instructions to build your own. Their simple configuration improves on other cloaking devices, but it’s not perfect. It  can work for angles up to 15 degrees, or more.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Invisibility Achieved with a Few Clever Focal Points

    Students at the University of Rochester have developed a clever optical system which allows for limited invisibility thanks to a bit of optic sorcery physics.

    the cloaked area is effectively doughnut shaped around the tightest focal point — if you block the center point of the lens, it won’t work. But everything around the center point of the lens? Effectively invisible.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:


  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Invisibility cloaks are not just possible, but are becoming reality
    Long a staple of science-fiction and fantasy, the ability to become invisible would be a revolutionary technological development.


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