Computer demo stolen for music video?

This is case where computer demo scene and music industry hits.  Giorgio Moroder is legendary producer and songwriter (helped invent disco in the 1970s with Donna Summer before conjuring the ’80s synth sound of film soundtracks). Giorgio Moroder plans to release first studio album in over 30 years with big names on it. To celebrate the announcement of his new album, 74-year-old Moroder released the first music video from the set, appropriately titled “74 Is the New 24.” Music video by Giorgio Moroder performing 74 Is the New 24. (sorry video embedding was not allowed).

When I saw that video, it has something familiar, as I had seen this earlier. It turned out that this video seems to be a copy of computer demo. Hey dude, good job stealing the video from demoscene group :) This demo “Spin by Andromeda Software Development” won 1st place in combined demo compo at Assembly 2011 (compo was held in Helsinki Finland and was there). According to discussion at Pouet, the demo group ASD who made the demo, had not given permission to release their material on music video (only as VJ material during tour). For comparison check also Assembly 2011: ASD Spin video.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Later discussion at

    Hum so they reused the art for the official videoclip and the cover art without any written contract, only with an authorization for non-commercial use ?

    I don’t know who’s in charge of this but (s)he screwed big time.

    aMusic, you’re actually in a strong position to negociate, especially as they already started official communication through Sony… my opinion is they will try to get an official authorization for commercial use from you, but at the smallest cost possible.

    Looks like things are moving very reasonably and very professionally. It makes me very happy to see that the artist is being respected this time (unlike the past).

    Hey, your trusty Moroder contact here.

    Of course it is clear to all here that contracts were not properly in place, and that this was caused by a communication breakdown long ago that should have been dealt with. Or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

    For this, I apologize (on behalf of, in this case, several parties). Was a fuckup. But it’s solvable without any slander.

    This stuff happens sometimes. Really sorry to all.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    It seems that things seem to be sorted out…

    There seems to be two issues here.

    First is the “misscommunication” regarding permission to use Spin by ASD. That looks like it is being sorted out by the people involved and I hope everyone comes to a satsifactory agreement.

    The second and worst issue for me is this so-called video director Jai Lewis is claiming credit for having creative input to the video. He is lying in public interviews and it would seem also lying to Giorgio and other people at Sony. No amount of contracts and negotiations makes it ok for him to take any credit at all for that video, unless searching youtube for cool computer animations is considered artist work these days. I wonder how much he got paid for this?

    I hope this gets resolved with a nice payment for ASD, because Spin is an awesome piece of work and should not be for free when big companies make a ton of money on it.

    Glad to hear that the affected parties are trying to sort things out amicably, but I hope steps are made to make sure that “director” hangs from the veritable tree.

    Giorgio instructed Jai to take some credit based on the labor he did. Giorgio made many creative decisions as exec producer, and Jai was only trying to honor Giorgio’s contribution and his experiences with him. ASD should have been properly honored as well.

    Many more sceners in Europe (or nearby) than in the US

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    GIORGIO MORODER DJ Set in Vienna (2013)

    This man made all of these song in the mix. That said, who care about his DJ skills? he’s a legend !

    the guy has the most awsome hits he did it in the studio
    press play on the shit, he was in the studio producing for 30 years now he has to have DJ skills

    he played moog syntheziser, he plays good piano, and he wrote the lyrics he did everything, thats why hes good

    When DJ just plays music with his hand in the air “so called handless dj’ing”

    Producers are real musicians and its hard to produce good track


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