Ultrasound Used To Create 3D Shapes In Mid Air That Can Be Seen And Felt | IFLScience


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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A Volumetric Display using an Acoustically Trapped Particle

    This video describes a volumetric display I designed and built that uses a phased arrray of ultrasonic transducers to levitate a 1mm foam ball and move it at speeds greater than 1m/s. The POV effect makes it seem as if you’re drawing in mid-air!

    This was such a fun project – I still giggle (maniacally) when watching this thing go. There’s something truly magical about watching something levitate in mid-air and then start zipping around so fast, you can’t see it.

    You can find all the design files here: https://github.com/danfoisy/vdatp


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