2015 Hackaday Prize Competition Begins – IEEE Spectrum


Hackaday Prize 2015: In 2015 the Hackaday Community will focus its creative efforts on solving serious issues. The creative energy and years of experience found in our huge community of Hackers, Designers, and Engineers is waiting to be unleashed. Let’s use that potential and move humanity forward. Check the introduction video.

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    100 Semifinalists for the 2015 Hackaday Prize

    Entries for the 2015 Hackaday Prize — the nine-month design contest that challenges you to build something that matters — closed one week ago today. There were over 900 entries and everyone at Hackaday has been blown away by the different approaches used to solve problems affecting a large number of people, and at the huge body of Open Hardware that has been documented by the process.

    Today it is our pleasure to announce the 100 Semifinalists who will move on to the next round.


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