
People tasting popular Finnish salmiakki candy. It’s sweet and very salty taste is strange to many people.

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    In the United States, the authority issued a warning about eating salmiakki – there is no similar halo in Finland

    Food and Drug Administration The FDA warns of eating black candy as it may increase the risk of heart disease.

    Salmiac and licorice have glycyrrhizin that can have an effect on health.
    In others, a small amount of black candy can significantly increase blood pressure.
    can also cause arrhythmia.

    The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has considered it necessary to warn citizens of the halloween delight, black trick.

    Halloween is the biggest candy-making day in the United States. Black candies are particularly well suited for the day’s horror dream.

    The FDA recalls that it is only reasonably necessary to eat liquorice.

    If a citizen is over 40 years old, a large number of liquorice can, according to the FDA, cause very dangerous arrhythmias.

    The FDA has come to recall the dangers of liquor because they have some information on cases where a liquorice has caused health problems.

    Some of these patients have had high blood pressure and previously found heart disease.

    The Heart Association’s chief physician Anna-Mari Hekkala estimates that in Finland the potential effect of glycyrrhizin in liquorice and psoriasis is generally better known than in the United States.

    Many of us already know that drinking liquor or salty can increase blood pressure. The tendency to such a rise in blood pressure is individual.


  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How FINLAND fell in LOVE with salty LIQUORICE

    Ever wondered why Finns love salty liquorice or salmiakki? Here”s the answer to why this black sweet is Finland’s favourite candy


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