Pi Day 3-14-15

It is time (2015-03-14) for Makers, DIY-ers and geeks of all stripes to celebrate Pi Day. Now Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics (value approximately 3.14159.) Pi Day was originally conceived at San Francisco’s Exploratorium science museum back in the late ’80 this celebration of the mathematical constant π (pi). It has become a major holiday in Princeton, NJ after someone realized that March 14, (3/14 – get it?) is also the birthday of the town’s most famous citizen, Albert Einstein. So it is time for Makers, DIY-ers and geeks of all stripes to celebrate Pi Day (and maybe do cool things with Raspberry Pi).



If you need to ask the date chosen to celebrate the mathematical constant, you should probably best you wait a few days and enjoy the beer-fueled festivities which accompany St. Patrick’s Day instead.


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