8088 MPH: We Break All Your Emulators | Oldskooler Ramblings


interesting article on computer demo that really pushes old 80′s IBM PC hardware to it’s limits and beyond what you would expect from it.

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1 Comment

  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Another interesting hack for old hardware:

    Java Byte Code, Ahead Of Time Compilers, And A TI-99

    Java famously runs on billions of devices, including workstations, desktops, tablets, supercomputers, and jewelry. Yes, jewelry. Look it up. [Michael] realized Java doesn’t run on Commodore 64s, TI-99s, and a whole bunch of other platforms. Not anymore.

    Retro Console Java

    Java Grinder which takes the byte-code from Java .class files and generates assembly language files that can be assembled with naken_asm for different CPUs / systems.


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