Windows 10 now available for Raspberry Pi, support confirmed for Arduino – Geek

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  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Windows for $0? Yes, on a $35 Raspberry Pi — but there’s a catch

    Microsoft and the Raspberry Pi Foundation team up to offer Windows 10 for developers of the tinkerer-favorite board

    Want a do-it-yourself Windows PC for a mere $35 — with the Windows license costing a fat $0? That’s what a joint announcement between Microsoft and the Raspberry Pi Foundation amounts to.

    Hot on the heels of word of a new edition of the Raspberry Pi, Microsoft has announced it will provide copies of Windows 10 for the Pi 2, “free for the Maker community through the Windows Developer Program for IoT later this year.”

    The program aims to “bring Windows to a new class of small devices,” with the Raspberry Pi 2 joining the first- and second-generation Intel Galileo boards already in the program. Developers can use Visual Studio Express, also available at no charge, to perform the actual development for the boards.

    None of this means Windows 10 is turning into a total giveaway, though. The wording of the announcement implies that licenses for Raspberry Pi-compatible versions of Windows 10 won’t be offered to all comers; you need to register with the program to become eligible for the software. It’s unlikely this deal will be extended unilaterally to other single-board computers. More likely, Microsoft will consider others boards on a case-by-case basis for inclusion in the program.

    Microsoft has made Windows licenses freely available to manufacturers for devices with integrated screens smaller than 9 inches, as part of a general push to put Windows 8 and beyond into as many hands as possible. But that rule obviously didn’t include headless devices, since that could make any bare motherboard eligible. The IoT program is restricted to a a very small list of hardware from specific manufacturers and right now is meant mainly for individual hardware hackers, not those intending to develop a commercial product. (The developer program FAQ reads, “We do not recommend or support putting the [Windows 10] bits into any product or using this version of Windows for commercial use at this time.”)

    Microsoft had been pushing Windows Embedded as an IoT platform and a gateway to the rest of the company’s information-management fabric — mainly Azure cloud storage and compute. With the baseline for what could constitute IoT hardware rising — along with the ease of satisfying Windows’s minimum hardware requirements — it’s not surprising Microsoft wants to have Windows 10 considered as an IoT development platform, giving it yet another arena in which to expand.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Hachman / PCWorld:
    Microsoft publicly releases Windows 10 IoT Core for the Raspberry Pi 2 and the MinnowBoard Max

    Want to unlock your door with your face? Windows 10 for IoT Core promises to do just that

    An air hockey robot? A door that unlocks itself by recognizing you? These are some of the projects a Windows-for-gizmos could enable.

    Continuing its push to make Windows 10 the operating system that can power all things, Microsoft publicly released Windows 10 for IoT Core on Monday morning, with support for the Raspberry Pi 2 and the Minnowboard Max.

    While Windows 10 is designed for phones, PCs, and tablets, Windows 10 for IoT Core addresses a different market: embedded products that may or may not have screens. For those that do, Microsoft has a mode that’s similar to the “kiosk mode” enabled in Windows 10 Professional, where a developer can write a specialized Windows 10 Universal app that serves as the “front door” to the embedded device.

    Users can download the release from the Windows IoT Dev Center, pick the board, and then get to work. The releases requires the July 29 release version of Windows 10 build 10240 (or, eventually, higher) and Visual Studio 2015.

    The Internet of your things
    The Internet of Things (IoT) brings together devices, sensors, cloud, data and your imagination.
    Build what matters most to you.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Blinky Webserver

    We’ll create a simple Blinky app controlled by another app’s WebServer and connect an LED to your MinnowBoard Max (or MBM for short).

    We’ll create a simple Blinky app controlled by another app’s WebServer and connect an LED to your Windows IoT Core device. Be aware that the GPIO APIs are only available on Windows IoT Core, so this sample cannot run on your desktop.

    We are demonstrating two ideas with this sample: how to implement a WebServer and how to enable app-to-app communication. To demonstrate this, the sample contains:

    WebServerApp – this project registers a BackgroundTask which provides a web server and hosts an app-to-app communication service.

    BlinkyApp – this is a UAP app similar to the Blinky sample app except that the LED power state is controlled by the webserver.

    To create a WebServer that can communicate with our Blinky app, we need to do two things: implement an actual server and enable app-to-app communication. At the core of our server implementation is a ‘StreamSocketListener’.

    The client app is very similar to the Blinky sample.

    Deploy and Run Sample

    If you’re building for Minnowboard Max, select x86 in the architecture dropdown. If you’re building for Raspberry Pi 2, select ARM.

    To get the Blinky WebServer running, first deploy the WebServer project. This will register the app-to-app communication mechanism. Then deploy and run the Blinky project. This will start our headed Blinky app and initialize and start the app to app communication (which will also start the web server). You can then test it all with the web client as detailed in the next step.

    For our sample app, we have hosted a simple client in our WebServer on the Windows Windows IoT Core device.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core: A Huge Letdown

    Last Spring, Microsoft unveiled their plan for Windows and the Internet of Things. It starts with the Raspberry Pi and Windows 10 IoT Core – a stripped down system with Windows API calls running on an ARM architecture. Yes, Microsoft is finally moving away from the desktop, building a platform for a billion Internet of Things things, or filling the gap left by tens of thousands of POS terminals and ATMs running XP being taken offline. Either one is accurate.

    Earlier this week, Microsoft announced the first public release of Windows 10 IoT Core. This is the review, but here’s the takeaway: run. Run as fast as you can away from Windows IoT. It’s not worth your time unless you have a burning desire to write apps for Windows, and even then you could do a better job with less effort with any Linux distro.

    When Windows 10 IoT was first announced, there was great hope for a Windows RT-like experience. Being able to run real Windows applications on a Raspberry Pi would be a killer feature

    Windows 10 IoT core isn’t so much an operating system, as it is a device that will run apps written with Windows APIs: there is no shell. If you want to control dozens or hundreds of devices, each running a program written in Visual Basic, JavaScript, C#, or Python, this is for you.

    The majority of interaction with Windows 10 IoT Core is over the web. After booting and pointing a browser to the Pi, you’re presented with a rather complete web-based interface. Here, you can check out what devices are connected to the Pi, look at the running processes, and run new apps. Think of this feature as a web-based Windows control panel.

    Officially, the only way to install Windows 10 IoT Core is with a computer running Windows 10. There are a few ways around this

    Yes, Windows 10 is free for everyone with a relatively modern Windows box, but since the only requirement for running Windows 10 IoT core is putting an image on an SD card and monitoring a swarm of IoT Core devices, there is no reason why this OS can’t be supplied in an .IMG file.

    There are a few shortcomings of the Windows 10 IoT core for the Raspberry Pi. Officially, the only supported WiFi module is the official Raspberry Pi WiFi module with a BCM43143 chipset. By far, the most popular WiFi module used for the Raspberry Pi (and something you should always carry around in your go-bag) is the Edimax EW-7811Un, a tiny WiFi module that uses a Realtek chipset.

    If you’ve ever wanted clearer evidence the Windows 10 IoT core is not meant to be an extensible system like every other Linux-based single board computer, you need only look a little deeper.

    Who is this for, exactly?

    The idea that Microsoft would put out a non-operating system without support for the de facto standard WiFi adapter, a hardware UART, or drivers for the majority of peripherals is one thing. Selling this to the ‘maker movement’ strains credulity. There is another explanation.

    This is not a device for makers, this is a device for point of sale terminals and ATMs. Windows XP – the operating system that is still deployed on a frighting number of ATMs – is going away soon, and this is Microsoft’s attempt to save their share of that market. IoT Core isn’t for you, it isn’t for me, and it isn’t for the 9-year-old that wants to blink an LED. This is an OS for companies that need to replace thousands of systems still running XP Embedded and need Windows APIs in kiosks and terminals.

    For anyone with a Raspberry Pi 2 and an SD card, the only investment you’ll make in trying out Windows 10 IoT Core is your time. It’s not worth it.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ditch Linux For Windows 10 On Your Raspberry Pi With Microsoft’s IoT Kit

    Partnering with Adafruit, Microsoft has announced the Windows IoT Core Starter Kit. The $75 kit comes comes with an SD card preloaded with Windows 10 IoT. According to the Raspberry Pi blog: “The pack is available with a Pi 2 for people who are are new to Raspberry Pi or who’d like a dedicated device for their projects, or without one for those who’ll be using a Pi they already own.”

    Ditch Linux for Windows 10 on your Raspberry Pi with Microsoft’s IoT kit
    $75 kit comes comes complete with an SD card preloaded with Windows 10 IoT.

    While those interested in running Microsoft’s Windows 10 IoT Core—its free OS for hobbyist boards like the Raspberry Pi 2 and MinnowBoard Max—will likely have the chops to put together their own custom hardware configuration, the company wants to give newbies a helping hand. Microsoft has partnered with Adafruit to release the Windows IoT Core Starter Kit, which gives users everything they need to get started with IoT development.

    The $75 (~£50) kit comes comes complete with an SD card preloaded with Windows 10 IoT Core, a Raspberry Pi 2 case, full size 40-pin breadboard, miniature WiFi module, BMP280 environmental sensor, RGB colour sensor, eight channel 10-Bit ADC with SPI interface, and a whole host of different resistors and LEDs. Those who needed Raspberry Pi 2 can pick up a $114.95 (~£70) with one included

    Microsoft is hoping that kit, along with some free sample code, will encourage users to ditch Linux on their IoT projects in favour of Windows 10. While that’s a big ask, the company has been heavily courting the hobbyist community of late.

    Windows 10 Core Starter Pack for Raspberry Pi 2

    When we released Raspberry Pi 2 in February this year, we announced that Microsoft’s Windows 10 IoT Core, a version of Windows 10 for small Internet-of-Things devices that may or may not have a screen, would be available for the device. Since the Windows Insider release of Windows 10 Core in August, we’ve found that lots of people looking for a Pi 2 are arriving at sellers’ websites from sites catering for Windows developers.

    The pack is available with a Pi 2 for people who are are new to Raspberry Pi or who’d like a dedicated device for their projects, or without one for those who’ll be using a Pi they already own. The box contains an SD card with Windows 10 Core and a case, power supply, wifi module and Ethernet cable for your Pi; a breadboard, jumper wires and components including LEDs, potentiometers and switches; and sensors for light, colour, temperature and pressure. There’s everything you need to start building.

    The Windows 10 Core Starter Pack website provides very clear directions for setting up your PC and programming environment and your Raspberry Pi. It also has links to tutorials for four carefully chosen projects to get you up and running on

    Starter Pack for Windows 10 IoT Core on Raspberry Pi 2

    Windows 10 IoT Core – Home Automation Contest

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Other tiny Windows 10 boards:

    Windows 10 On A Tiny Board

    Over the past few months, a number of companies and designers have started picking up the newest Intel SoCs. Intel has to kill ARM somehow, right? The latest of these single board x86 computers is the Lattepanda. It’s a tiny board that can run everything a 5-year-old desktop computer can run, including a full version of Windows 10.

    This isn’t the first time we’ve seen a tiny x86 board in recent months. Last October, an x86 board that takes design cues from the Raspberry Pi 2 hit Kickstarter. These are proper PCs, with the ability to run Windows 10, Linux, and just about every other environment under the sun.

    LattePanda is featured with quad-core 1.8Ghz, 2/4G RAM, 32/64 GB eMMC, WIFI, Bluetooth 4.0 and USB 3.0, plus onboard Arduino processor!

    It includes everything a regular PC has and can do anything that a regular PC does, all at a low price of 69 USD.

    LattePanda runs perfectly on the go. Creating documents with Microsoft Office, playing HD videos and running Windows apps on LattePanda is exactly the same experience as using a regular PC.

    LattePanda comes pre-installed with a full edition of Windows 10, including powerful tools such as Visual Studio, NodeJS, Java, Processing, and more!

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Who would want Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi card?

    Microsoft has developed Windows 10 and also lighter, Winodw referred embedded applications 10 IoT Core version. Microsoft clearly wants its share of the popular builders and developers with a platform, but nobody wants her card Windows?

    Windows 10 has supported the Raspberry Pi platform for a year. Now, the latest version of the 3B-card will also be a Windows 10 IoT Core has been updated to support the new card from the beginning.

    The new card will also strengthen your Windows drive. The card is sold in the Microsoft Store, and at the side of worth 50 bucks noobs cards, which Windows 10 IOT Core operating system can be installed on the card.

    Pi-card installed Windows 10 IoT Core takes 809 MB of space. This is why Windows very light installation.

    Gaps remain. IoT should not be a new Windows Pi-card wifi, etc., but on the other hand, Microsoft will provide support for the official Raspberry Pi -WiFi-Dongle, which is the wireless LAN access previous card versions required.

    Pi 3 Card Controlling Windows and can only be done through a remote connection. Linux versions taam successful local command shell, and even through the graphical user interface. In this regard, Microsoft is still a lot of work to do.



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